Rep. Rashida Tlaib Calls For $20 An Hour Minimum Wage

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
ah yes. the One-upmanship game continues. what's the next bid? 25/hour for a $10 an hour job?? yeah .. that's gonna promote jobs ..

Rep. Rashida Tlaib Calls For $20 An Hour Minimum Wage

yo YR! here's your fake news link. enjoy!!

Evie Fordham, The National Interest 5 hours ago

Democratic Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib called for a federal minimum wage of up to $20 an hour at a “One Fair Wage” event in Detroit on Sunday.

“Big fights like this one, $15. When we started it, it should have been $15. Now I think it should be $20 … It should be $20 an hour. $18-20 an hour,” Tlaib said in a video posted by America Rising on Monday.

Tlaib and Michigan Democrat Debbie Dingell participated in an event called “Server for an Hour” to support the Raise the Wage Act that passed the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives Thursday.

Tlaib brought up the common counter-argument that raising the minimum wage will not actually feel like more money in the wallets of workers.
Fighting for our working families sometimes means walking in their shoes. It was only for an hour, but it was hard work. @HouseDemocrats passed #Fightfor15 #OneFairWage & now the Senate needs to.

Thank you to @onefairwage for inviting me into your movement.

— Rashida Tlaib (@RashidaTlaib) July 22, 2019

“They say all this is going to raise the cost. But I can tell you, milk has gone up. Eggs has gone up. Everything has gone up. The cost of food has gone up. The cost of a lot of things that we need has gone up already,” she said.
Politicians on the far left have called for a significant increase in the federal minimum wage for years. For example, presidential candidate and Independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders supports a $15 an hour minimum wage yet has reportedly been locked in disputes with staff who say their annual salary does not measure up with his commitment.

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adav8s28's Avatar
I don't think the minimum wage needs to be $20/hour. It certainly needs to be higher than what it is right now ($7.25).
I'm sure the lefty lib posters on this forum are really excited about their potential raise.
I don't think the minimum wage needs to be $20/hour. It certainly needs to be higher than what it is right now ($7.25). Originally Posted by adav8s28

I think it should be scaled. This allows for the young and unskilled to have the chance to learn how to work and become a valuable asset. If you have the right attitude and skill, you will not have to worry about a minimum wage. Just the lazy and worthless (in other words, Liberals) will bitch about a "guaranteed living wage".

14 to 18 yrs old: $1/hour

19 to 21 yrs old: $5/hour

over 21 yrs old: $10/hour
The fool calling for a $20/hr mini is obviously one of the top rocket-surgeons of economic theory in the dimotard party.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I don't think the minimum wage needs to be $20/hour. It certainly needs to be higher than what it is right now ($7.25). Originally Posted by adav8s28

what metric would you use to calculate that? know much about actuarial science? they can calculate premiums for all kinds of things. a reasonable cost to the consumer .. a reasonable profit for the business. this applies mostly to insurance. there are accounting tables that decide profit margins for manufactured goods.

so calculate the actual hourly wage to flip burgers at Wendy's and let us know what that is!!
$100 an hour! That way the avg joe earns more than the avg House Rep!

Seriously, Full Employment will take care of the minimum wage. I see many signs driving around advertising $12 an hour here in Houston.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
$100 an hour! That way the avg joe earns more than the avg House Rep!

Seriously, Full Employment will take care of the minimum wage. I see many signs driving around advertising $12 an hour here in Houston. Originally Posted by gnadfly

so you favor market driven wages. what a novel idea!!
Full employment will take a big chunk out of the "Health Insurance" problem also.
Bernie just got a lesson in economics

Sanders campaign announces it will cut hours to pay staffers $15 minimum wage
Delete double post
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I think it should be scaled. This allows for the young and unskilled to have the chance to learn how to work and become a valuable asset. If you have the right attitude and skill, you will not have to worry about a minimum wage. Just the lazy and worthless (in other words, Liberals) will bitch about a "guaranteed living wage".

14 to 18 yrs old: $1/hour

19 to 21 yrs old: $5/hour

over 21 yrs old: $10/hour Originally Posted by Muscleup
some states have a scalable wage, but not along those lines.

I think some states does have teen min. wage for those under 18.

some states have scalable wages based on the size of the business.
don't know how other states have theirs set up, but it may be similar to this example...

01 - 20 employees = 7.25
21 - 50 employees = 9.25
51 - 80 employees = 11.25
over 81 employees = 15.00

this reflects the reality of running a business and it also ensures that no big companies (McDonalds/Burger King) can take advantage of wage increase by dominating the market.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
those people who are calling for a wage increase are trying to drive the small & medium size businesses into bankruptcy and they know it. the only ones who could afford it are the big companies/chains. it has the effect of making the marketplace less competitive.

Notice how the behavior of the big companies like McDonalds, Burger King, Walmart etc... have changed their position regarding the minimum wage. they're going along with it instead of opposing it.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Bernie just got a lesson in economics

Sanders campaign announces it will cut hours to pay staffers $15 minimum wage Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

yes he did. tells you all we need to know about market driven wages. too many making too much .. layoffs!!

what would socialism do? make them all bus drivers? including the smart ones who should be brain surgeons?
market driven wages. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
BINGO...every job has a pay a person what their worth...not what some bureaucrat dictates.
Some of these fuckers AKA Obummer thinks there should be a maximum wage...