Is I B Hankering defending betting on when people will die?

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  • 07-26-2011, 10:26 AM
I B Hankering are you defending that? Is dignified to bet who the next human will be to die.

That is what Lauren Summerhill did and you seem to be her attack dog. (No offense to dogs)

If it is ok to bet which Celebrity might die next, is it ok to set up a betting pool on just which provider may become the next victim of say a craigslist type death or even suicide. Is that what passes as dignified behavior in your world? Yet me making fun of people that do such things is somehow deplorable? Is that WTF I am hearing from you?

SR Only, feel free to chime in. I've always thought it much better to talk directly to a man than behind his back. I'm thinking you may agree with that thought but might need a gentle reminder.

I told ya'll you shoulda listened to Becky.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Politics? Religion? Nope.

Move on please
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  • 07-26-2011, 05:54 PM
Maxwell Smart ''Chica Chaser, Would you believe....................... .. an afterlife discussion?"

Now that my fellow posters is an example of birds of a feather sticking together
I bet on the continued stupidity of the human race. There seems to be but one cure, bullets for breakfast.

Sick and evil? Perhaps.
Do I care much for what someone thinks about the strange inner workings of my devious mind? Not really.

I've bet on who will pass out in formation, who is going to puke or die on a battalion run, and who will cry like a bitch first when we had incoming rockets. We even bet on how many divorces would happen before R&R. (Answer? More than any of us guessed actually!)
Now we're betting on who will be the first officially out of the closet with DADT being repealed.
And yes, some of us participate in the local radio station's "celebrity death pool".
Damn you Bob Barker! I pick you every year!!!
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  • WTF
  • 07-26-2011, 11:52 PM
I bet on the continued stupidity of the human race. There seems to be but one cure, bullets for breakfast.

Sick and evil? Perhaps.
Do I care much for what someone thinks about the strange inner workings of my devious mind? Not really.

I've bet on who will pass out in formation, who is going to puke or die on a battalion run, and who will cry like a bitch first when we had incoming rockets. We even bet on how many divorces would happen before R&R. (Answer? More than any of us guessed actually!)
Now we're betting on who will be the first officially out of the closet with DADT being repealed.
And yes, some of us participate in the local radio station's "celebrity death pool".
Damn you Bob Barker! I pick you every year!!! Originally Posted by lilred_robin
Damn girl, ya'll do bet allot!

Ya'll got any bets on who will die first or is that to morbid?

My post wasn't anti-betting.

It was anti-hypocrite (Notice how I B hasn't replied)and the belief in the afterlife.

You think Amy Winehouse is in rehab heaven?....cause you know they got a helluva band!

Are you a religious person? You think God only lets in Christians?
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Im guessing IB hasn't replied as he understood what I said above. I was being nice and even said please.
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  • 07-27-2011, 09:04 AM
Im guessing IB hasn't replied as he understood what I said above. I was being nice and even said please. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Well I respectfully disagree as to why I B Hankering did not reply but I do understand why you do not want your friends exposed as ..... as, well whatever.
So in the interest of forum harmony I will ignore I B Hankering's double speak on this isssue and can only hope and pray you will nudge him into not making any more silly accusations that he can not back up all by his lonesome.

In my defense, this thread was started as a reply to this thread

In I B Hankering's defense, he still think Albert E was a religious man. So I really was expecting more than what that poor feller is capable of

So move along folks....nothing more to see here. WTF was trying to defend himself from some lies and stepped on the wrong toes. Any of you wanna bet on when one of us will die, go start your on betting pool.

Well, if you die you get to be a mod on another board. > : )
yep, A. Winehouse just made her first official declaration as our newest mod. It isn't Hump Day anymore, it's Blow Hole Wednesday.