Come September 9th I’m retiring. I’ve been kinda over the disrespect I’m receiving from gents. I am a sw yes but I still am a person and people fail to realize that. I’m sorry to the ones that I’ve “blown off” there’s a reason. This hobby is not the same anymore. Girls are mean and not there for one another, won’t give you a reference, or will drag your name. Gents are the same. They will drag your name threw the mud as well and treat you less as a person.. It’s been a fun ride up until the last month or so. People fail to realize that yes I am a sw but I have a other life outside of the hobby. I do formally apologize if my life outside the hobby has affected people getting to see me. I have a life, friends i want to spend time with, family that comes and sees me, i got to college, go to work and want to do normal things besides waiting for a phone call.... that’s why I’ve said to let me know a day advance.. for the fact i live a hour and half from Little Rock. Also I’m sorry if a girl was “cock blocking” and wouldn’t give a reference to me so I could see you. People fail to realize we are human and we have feelings and want to be treated with respect. I’ve had a girl who’s on here out me on Facebook over jealousy. I may just need a “sd”
Possibly that life will work better for me. The hobby is not the same anymore.