Still using self-pics?

If you are still using photos on your showcase that you had to take yourself, I can help. I still have openings today and tomorrow. Since I am trying to establish myself, I am doing these sessions "pro-bono". That's right - FREE!!!

Again, I will go to your desired location, take as many high quality digital photos as you please, burn all of them to a DVD-R and leave it with you for you to use as you please.

I promise I will make you feel at ease and get the best photos possible. I have a Canon digital SLR camera, two lenses and two flashes to ensure we get the best lighting possible.

I have ideas for props, settings, backdrops etc... With the right photos, you can make a lasting first impression that can make or break the decision to go with you or another provider that has better photos on their showcase.

So, if you have been wanting to post better photos of yourself, but can't afford to hire a professional photographer, this is the right opportunity for you. What are you waiting for? The weekend is almost upon us. Hope to hear from you soon.
waverunner234's Avatar
Looking for freebee's?
Just trying to build a portfolio so that I can get my photography side business going. Sometimes you have to do it for free. So I guess I'm giving "freebees", not looking for "freebees". Thanks for your concern, though.
It is Cool 2 Offer but I wanna make a Suggestion...Maybe if U post a Link to Your Online Port or some Way 2 Show U have other Previous Models that can say they have done Work w/U would Be a Great Way 2 Get photo sessions set up, There are The sites Like One Model Place (& Lots Of Others) U can Build a Base Profile & Post Pix as Well as Post The models U have shot with....Also U can state Your Rates Or TFP etc....It is Always Been Kinda Comforting 2 Me 2 get a Refence.Not Trying 2 Be Rude in Any way...Just that I have done so for over 5 years & Had 1 REAL bad Experience so Not Letting That Stop Me From Trying New Photographers But its a Great way 2 Make a 1st Impression & Build a Foundation as Well...My Online Ports I have Archives 2 Recent Pix so I can Show The stages Of Growth,Creativity,& Differences In each Photographer's Style I have tried....Have a Bless Eve : ) ~Exotic Beauty~
Exotic Beauty,
I really do appreciate the suggestions. I will definitely follow your advice. The problem is, right now I only have photos I have taken from things like weddings, Holiday parties, family events, Places I've been etc... That is why I am offering to do this for free initially and get some photos of some providers, dancers etc... for my resume. I am willing to go to their chosen location and once they meet me, they will see that I am the real deal and not out to take advantage of the situation. What made me think of it was that I saw a provider last week and she was very cute in person yet she only has 2 or 3 photos on her showcase. I think if she had better/more photos, she could help her business a great deal. Photography has always been my "pie in the sky" dream job. And I have a weakness for beautiful women. So I've always thought if I could put those two passions together and make a living at it, I would be happy. I can understand why women would be leery, though. But, I really am just a nice, professional guy who has some decent photography equipment and is willing to help out a few providers for free until I can start charging for my services. Again, thanks for your feedback.
waverunner234's Avatar
Just trying to build a portfolio so that I can get my photography side business going. Sometimes you have to do it for free. So I guess I'm giving "freebees", not looking for "freebees". Thanks for your concern, though. Originally Posted by centex_mex
I apologize, it was not meant in a negative way, it was just the first thing that got into my dirty mind and I thought it was funny!

Iaintliein's Avatar
The best place to start is with the ladies you've met already as a client, they know and are comfortable with you. Even then, sometimes (many times) there is always a reason to postpone shooting etc. If you contact the specific ladies you want in your portfolio it gives you more control etc., it's difficult to get many shots showing your creativity and skill is the subject does not want her face shown for instance.

Also, is a good place for this sort of portfolio as the albums can be password protected and full resolution files can be kept there if you like.

Good luck.
HoustonWhiteKnight's Avatar
What made me think of it was that I saw a provider last week and she was very cute in person yet she only has 2 or 3 photos on her showcase. I think if she had better/more photos, she could help her business a great deal. Originally Posted by centex_mex
So why didn't you take some "free" photos of her and help her out with her showcase and get your port going. You have 3 reviews on here. Call them girls first since they hopefully already feel comfortable with you and might agree. Once those photos are up on your site you can go from there.

You can get a decent site up an going quite easily. Wordpress, Concrete 5 and many others work will. Just make sure and get your own domain name, not a "freebie".
Hola! will keep you in mind when I am in your neck of the woods, papi.
Ur Welcome Centex Mex!
Well,Great Replies Here...Holla In pm if ya have any questions,I have been doing Shoots,Events,Print,Video & Cams for over half my life so I am Always Cool W/Giving Suggestions,Have a Bless Day
~Exotic Beauty~
  • LynnT
  • 07-29-2011, 12:38 PM
Just trying to build a portfolio so that I can get my photography side business going. Sometimes you have to do it for free. So I guess I'm giving "freebees", not looking for "freebees". Thanks for your concern, though. Originally Posted by centex_mex
FYI Its not free, its trade. They trade their time for your photos. Never use the word free, your time and their time are worth value.
Three Piece Chicken Dinne's Avatar
I think he was trying to get across that he was not expecting a free session in exchange for a photo shoot.

Do you what you got to do centex!
I appreciate everyone's comments and suggestions. I am new to all of this and take all of this constructively. I love photography and I love beautiful women, so why not put the two of them together? This is a side thing for me. But, I do realize that time is money, so I should not be using the word "Free". Sorry about that. Again, thanks everyone.
  • LynnT
  • 08-03-2011, 12:44 PM
I appreciate everyone's comments and suggestions. I am new to all of this and take all of this constructively. I love photography and I love beautiful women, so why not put the two of them together? This is a side thing for me. But, I do realize that time is money, so I should not be using the word "Free". Sorry about that. Again, thanks everyone. Originally Posted by centex_mex
You use "free"... in the future you'll be known as the guy that works for "free".. the cheap photographer.. as you grow and start charging you dont want to be known as that "free" guy. People will take advantage. And its not free, you're giving your time and so is the model; the trading of time. Also every click you take decreases the life of your camera, you get so many clicks and they die.. you have to account for that.

You will also learn as you grow; you wont give all those images away, you should only give images you are proud of if you catch my drift. You wont want to any more.

I think he was trying to get across that he was not expecting a free session in exchange for a photo shoot.

Do you what you got to do centex! Originally Posted by Three Piece Chicken Dinne
Just giving him some guidance in the biz of photography so he doesnt have to learn the hard way, its a though business.
I appreciate your comments, LynnT. It all makes sense. I plan on getting a couple of photo shoots under my belt and then making my rates very clear. I just thought I could do something I really enjoy (photographing beautiful women) and make a little bit of extra cash doing it and, maybe help some struggling providers at the same time by offering a quality product at a good rate. I just have to get these first few shoots under my belt. I have some prospects, so hopefully it will take off very soon. Again, thank you for your comments. I do take it all to heart.