What Has Happened to the Upstairs at CL?

Just visited CL to find the upstairs chairs now require some ‘spacing’. First the forts are gone and now the mini forts are gone. Are they trying to kill business?
Was bound to happen. The constant reviewing of this place and the lack of discretion will force their hand.
Chung Tran's Avatar
yup.. bound to happen. I tried to de-impress guys about CL just 2 days ago.


but 3 others followed me, posting how GREAT CL has become.

see what y'all did?
Time to move on after fishing in the best fishing hole since the Fare ... . any suggestions?
It's cyclical.

They tighten the screws when it's too rampant, and then loosen up when business starts to slow.
Money talks Bullshit walks. I had VIP all to myself and A****
Are you referring to the “Champagne Room” are past the upstairs chairs? What was the admission charge?
There was no admission charge, however I paid for company of a lady and the barman to watch my car in the parking lot. On my own volition.
I know CL is a club but what is the name?
  • MMF19
  • 08-28-2019, 08:27 AM
Chicas locas
  • Lee47
  • 08-28-2019, 01:57 PM
The fishing is still good. However, you can't go when the bank is full.
freedom3542's Avatar
I am done with CL, dropped by on Monday, there were 3 managers walking around like they are protecting gold and diamonds, they re-configured the seatings and the only way to have fun is to spend $70 to go to the dark side and CUBAN girls raised their prices to 200-300 a pop. doesn't worth it.
I knew it. The strip club virgins who love to review this place into the ground to get some bragging points and to get the pointless credit have ruined the only good guaranteed club left in Dallas, good job.

I went there about 3 weeks ago and things changed for the worse.

There was a time when you could just pick whichever club you wanted to go into and extras were not hard to come by but now the clubs have made any type of extras harder and the new police chief and political landscape have turned up the heat as well. Does anyone remember Baby Dolls when they had the pitch black dark corners upstairs and the huge backed chairs ? Not anymore and sadly the last of the clubs like CL are about to be no more either. The chicas locas in Arlington was extras central for a good long time, now look at it, it absolutely sucks but they still somehow keep the doors open but it isn't much of a strip club from what we're used to.

I refuse to review any of the places I go to know. These constant reviews and the strip club newbies are just killing them. I recommend that if you need a review for credit then go and review one of the providers on here. You can get your credit and she will actually want a positive review of her, but this constant reviewing of the same old clubs is the death of them. Bragging about a pee pee touch is no big deal. Look at what happened to Michael's in Houston, supposedly even better than CL here and it has the same part owners. They stopped extras there dead.

  • mb60
  • 09-04-2019, 05:25 PM
What is it with strip club extra's anyways ? Pretty dam easy to frequent a club become a regular have otc covered pretty easy. Spend the afternoon over lunch and drinks and have the girl otc for a few hours.