Might be travelling soon...

Bob Soldios's Avatar
My work might be having me taking a foray into our lovely neighboring country to the north soon.

Has anybody had any hobby experience in Canada? Specifically in the eastern end (Ottawa/Vancouver/etc...)? I looked around for some comparable boards for that area and found extremely sparse pickings. (Not to mention half of them were in French, which I don't speak)...

I know this is the Texas/Dallas section, as it's my home around here. But for some reason I find almost no other forums/boards centric to this hobby as active as the Texas/Dallas ones. Which is a blessing since I live in Dallas, but not as useful when traveling (which I do frequently with my work.)

Any tips, advice or stories would be appreciated.
Papacorn's Avatar
Maybe I am mistaken, but isn't the hobby legal and regulated in Canada? Maybe the boards are much more above ground than in the US?
Bob Soldios's Avatar
I have been reading up. Apparently outcall is completely legal. Public solicitation isn't. And technically running any incall in considered a brothel and also illegal. Odd, but workable for a traveling person who would have a hotel room of their own.

Just wondering if anybody could relay any personal experiences...