Review - (Colombia) Cartagena the monger paradise

Escoballs's Avatar
Date: 9/1/19
Name: too many names
Contact Info: Tinder, just put an american flag in your bio, or just go outside
URL / Website: no need
General Area: La ciudad Amurallada (the walled City)

Torre del Reloj o Boca del Puente
The plaza
Activities: FBSM, FS, BBBJ, MISH, K9.... all activities on the menu
Session Length: 1-24hrs
Fee: See ROS
Hair Length and Color: many lengths and types
Age: early to late 20s
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Physical Description: So many beautiful ladies, every single type, you will find what you are looking for. Most of the woman I had were very tan and voluptuous, most of the girls i met were from Venezuela and total lookers.
Recommendation: Yes
KosherCowboy's Avatar
Excellent write up. Since I have zero desire to go to Asia I am looking at local alternatives ( cheap) to GER ( not as cheap) I can go every 10-20 days that are cheap, this being one of three cities.

Curious how you would ( if have been) would compare services to those gals better said chicas in Medellin und Bogota. One thing keeping me from this area is the humidity and heat; wasn't bad in CR

But the heat in Panama City ( in over 5 trips) was terrible, enjoyed the Colombian girls ( greedy) and Venezuelan ( cheaper and better service levels) girls but except for my room at the Hyatt and the Spanish school where there was AirCon the whole area is unbearable for me. PTY and CR prices are a fucking joke now compared to the good old days but Colombia is still cheap.

one issue I have is I only stay at nicer hotels never Air BnBs etc or shitty hotels so getting a girl to the room is sometimes not permitted or chica fees are too high.
Escoballs's Avatar
Thanks man safe travels