Float tanks?

Anyone here ever done one of those float / isolation tanks?

My back is all manner of fucked and it seems like it might be a nice way to relax. Besides, other relaxing activities are harder to come by, so I was looking for something new to try.

Anyone got any experience?
Or want to join me, since we've got so much time on our hands recently?
I'm a frequent floater. It wouldn't have any direct benefit for your back. However, the peacefulness you can find in a float would have an indirect impact. Without going supernatural on you, I can tell you that it has some of the same physiological effects as meditation -- lowered heart rate and lowered breathing in particular. You can also focus your mind wonderfully -- I've had several breakthrough thoughts, mostly on personal stuff, but a few mental solutions to interpersonal work stuff.

You may want to investigate the multi-mode introductory specials offered by Evolve Cryo Wellness (S. Lamar) and a few other spas around town. This is a great way to experiment on your body to see what works for you. For instance, for $100 in one visit of an hour or two, you can experience some combination of:
  • cryo (freezing, also used by athletes to promote healing);
  • vertical hang (upside down in a frame, if you've got doc's clearance for your back);
  • massage (legit);
  • acupuncture;
  • huffing pure oxygen;
  • with different combinations of those, depending on the spa.
lovingcamela's Avatar
I love floating. I agree with TravelingTex is does work on back pain, but you can get a massage at the one on South Lamar and then float before or after. If you need a good referral for an acupuncturist I have a good one.

Working else can also help your back due to the fact that some muscles will not be firing and other muscles take the load. For example, doing some core work for your internal obliques may help your low back. It all depends though...
Thanks for the replies! I'm not expecting long term or targeted rehab effects, but a friend with a similar nerve issue (not in her back though) is a frequent floater and said that the sensory deprivation, decompression, and meditative aspects let her recontextualize her pain in a way even her doctor noticed was making her other pain management techniques more effective. Maybe placebo, maybe woo, but pretty interesting.

I'm also interested in it just for the novelty lol
They talk about how it heightens the senses, and I was always curious if post-float fornication could be interesting (how hard is it to rinse off all the salt?)
You're going in with a good understanding, then, and a good curiosity. There are regular showers to wash off the saline solution, which isn't as sticky as ocean water but more buoyant.

That's an interesting question about post-float sex. I agree, in theory, and intend to find out, in practice. I have no idea why I've never tried this, so this thread has benefitted me, too!
lovingcamela's Avatar
It's not woo woo. The floating probably relieves the pressure off of your friend's nerve.

Hmmmm..I am imagining post float sex. I can see starting with spooning and a little nap, then a slow build of sensual caressing, light kisses, gentle discovery and deep focused lovin'.
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
I have never tried this and now may have to look into it.
SweetKimberly's Avatar
I float every night in a float tank. It calms my nerves and relieves stiff muscles.