This is sorta' scary, jut fukin' scary

I have wondered, given the irrational continuation of support The Big Asshole continues to get among some people, just what would The Idiot in Chief have to do to convince his supporters to abandon him. I was going to post herein some extreme but realistic, in the sense that it had,has happened in real life in some parts of the world, incident and say, what if your feeeble minded leader did this?

I thought about this: since many of Shitfaced's supporters are afraid of Mexicans, or any other foreigner apparently, what if Lamebrain proposed that the NG shoot them as they crossed the RGR?

Now , it has been publicized that Cumbrain has indeed proposed that the intruders be shot in the legs as they attempted to cross the river. Scares the hell out me. Unbelievable, not what their syphillitic leader would stoop to, but that the "supporters" would not raise objection and actually let that happen.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The Idiot in Chief have to do to convince his supporters to abandon him. Originally Posted by stikiwikit
I dunno, Liking a post from you would be problematic, IMHO.
More problematic than shooting innocent people trying to cross the border, or abandoning our allies and leaving them to be executed by our NATO friend the Turks? Think, if you are capable, while children are in cages in the US, your saviour has just released hundreds of IS members onto the world. What is problematic is people like you who refuse to recognize the recklessness of their actions by not only voting for this idiot but failing to recognize and admit that he is a reckless idiot who can possibly destroy our nation.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Whining Donnie ! At it again. What an amateur and so out of his depth ! Our Fake President. Illegitimate and that bothers him.
The Apprentice President.So juvenile he resorts to name-calling his detractors. So dignified.
Growing up the only "wall" I remember was the Berlin Wall.And the Russians built that.I think they may be building this one.
winn dixie's Avatar
I have wondered, given the irrational continuation of support The Big Asshole continues to get among some people, just what would The Idiot in Chief have to do to convince his supporters to abandon him. I was going to post herein some extreme but realistic, in the sense that it had,has happened in real life in some parts of the world, incident and say, what if your feeeble minded leader did this?

I thought about this: since many of Shitfaced's supporters are afraid of Mexicans, or any other foreigner apparently, what if Lamebrain proposed that the NG shoot them as they crossed the RGR?

Now , it has been publicized that Cumbrain has indeed proposed that the intruders be shot in the legs as they attempted to cross the river. Scares the hell out me. Unbelievable, not what their syphillitic leader would stoop to, but that the "supporters" would not raise objection and actually let that happen. Originally Posted by stikiwikit
Tin foil hat time for the "sky is falling crowd"!
Not surprising. They wanted cuntillary who is now seeing RED everywhere! That stroke has taken its toll with her!
No, wait ..... wasn't the Idiot in Chief the one who vacated the White House in 2020? .....
So sorry, it hurts my ass to have to finally say something nice about the devil's own president, but he really showed ISIS by going in there with the special forces, bone spurs and all, and risking his life and maybe saving his presidency and killing BagDaddy.

His bone spurs must have gotten a lot better.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
More problematic than shooting innocent people trying to cross the border, Originally Posted by stikiwikit
I was trying to count the number of people shot crossing the boarder but my hands were full. Oh, looks like I don't actually need any fingers to count to zero. Whew!

or abandoning our allies and leaving them to be executed by our NATO friend the Turks? Originally Posted by stikiwikit
Oh, welp, turns out that is not what happened and the ISIS Chief is still dead as a door nail. But yeah, I get it, finally leading from the front is hard to get use to after 8 years of leading from behind red lines.

while children are in cages in the US , your saviour has just released hundreds of IS members onto the world. Originally Posted by stikiwikit
Come on Mr Joe "Creepy Uncle" Biden, you know that was under your watch when that happened. While a few teeny fish might have escaped temporarily, the whale fish is still deader than a door nail. What is problematic is people like you who refuse to recognize the brilliance of our actions by not only voting for this GEPOTUS but your failing to recognize and admit that the previous Bottom-dog-in-chief was an incompetent boob who damn near destroyed our nation.
pleasurem's Avatar
Geez... what kind of fool are you? Stikwikit, wow... not able to think at all... last Prez was a fool!!!!!!!!!
Whyyesido: Dude you need to read a newspaper ever now and then or change your TV channel to something besides Fox cable!
pleasurem's Avatar
And Believe the lies on CNN or MSNBC... no!!!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Whyyesido: Dude you need to read a newspaper ever now and then or change your TV channel to something besides Fox cable! Originally Posted by stikiwikit

You got links to the BP shooting people that weren't shooting at them? Nope

You got links to the ISIS Chief and his #2 still being alive? Nope

Is there evidence that the cage photos were under Creepy Joe and Oblunder's watch. Yup
Passion2015's Avatar
The problem here is that people believe everything they see and hear from the media.

Lets see here:

The media and politicians have tried to impeach this president as soon as he took office. Why?

Has that happened to any other politician who won the presidency? No and why?

I'm not a democrat or republican, I vote who I feel is the best fit at the time.

I guess all the people who are for impeachment have really enjoyed the last almost three years of their tax paying dollars going for such a good cause instead of tax paying dollars helping the American people and policies.

I always here borders should be open for everyone and everyone should be able to live in the United States. Guess what?

Try that in Germany, Mexico and most other countries. They all have polices and procedures like we do to become citizens and if you don't follow the rules you are exported.

People need to get their facts straight before commenting from what they have heard from the media.

I don't know exactly what's going on and neither do you. Why? Because I didn't hear or see it first hand for myself.

Hmmm, strange concept HUH.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
People need to get their facts straight before commenting from what they have heard from the media. Originally Posted by Passion2015

I think people should try this new fangled concept called 'critical thinking' first. It starts with 'the sniff test'. Then they can go looking for facts, either for or against the view point of the day.

Much, if not all of the hoopla, aka propaganda, doesn't pass the sniff test on first glance and fails miserably upon actual examination. Trying to impeach at inauguration smells like denial and desperation - yet it is far worse. It shows there was an iron clad plan in place to prevent GEPOTUS and it failed miserably. With young children it's called 'lashing out', with Demonicrats it's called news, really just propoganda.

Also, the whole notion of guilty until you can prove you are innocent smells so bad, it's almost difficult to find an English language word for it.