U-Spa has been one of my regular go-to spots for a long time. The ladies come and go but it’s always clean, no drama, no surprises, the price is right. Until today.
I’ve been warming up to a new favorite lady here. She’s worked here a good while but we hadn’t had the chance to bond much before. So today I show up and she greets me with a smile and a hug and shuffles me off to a room. Comes back in and starts the standard service.
Now I like this gal because she isn’t afraid to dig in deep. This gal has lethal elbows and she will use them anywhere. Anywhere. She will also give a great tease, and even though I KNOW she isn’t going to go there, sometimes the tease is just as good.
So about an hour into my 90 minute session, I wake from my half-doze to the sound of not-hushed men’s voices and a radio/walk-in talkie. At first I think it’s maybe some contractors as they have been renovating part of the building. It’s annoying but I tune it out. A few miles later, some of the ladies are chattering excitedly and the men’s voices are still conversing.
My gal has completely covered me up and the door is almost half open. Something is up so I perk up my ears. My gal apologizes and leaves the room but doesn’t come back with hot towels. I get dressed, count out a tip and leave it on the table.
All the gals are in the lobby along with 2 uniformed officers. The girls looked scared but I casually thank my gal and stroll outside to my car. Nothing hinky was going on so I’m not nervous or anything. but I was a bit annoyed that my session was cut short.
One of the officers follows me out and politely asks what kind of massage I had, foot or body? I told them it was a legit body massage. With oil or lotion? I answer in the affirmative. He thanks me. And let’s me know that this was just a compliance inspection. They look to match up workers with the permits on display and other health inspection details.
He thanks me, I skedaddle and go find some lunch. Not the drama-free afternoon I was expecting but I can’t do anything about their licensing and permit issues. Hopefully they get it worked out soon.