Kaylina ripoff report - moved from ER's

Not sure which category to post this in, but this one seemed the best.Figure should make guys aware.

Embarrassed to describe this so won't go into blow by blow. Had talked to her on SB and seemed nice, altho a little too eager to meet. She is 31 yo redhead. Anyway, I was unsure about seeing her but figured what the heck worth trying out. She just moved into small house in Rensselaer in area near the River. Seems like that a popular town for problems. Went in, checked out the downstairs but believed her, like an idiot, that upstairs being redone as had just moved in and nobody up there.In bedroom wants donation up front, I explained why I don't do that. Leaving out details, bf / pimp / guy there for her protection upstairs essentially forces point and I give to her to give to him. Won't describe the mess and nonsense that ensued during all of that, but suffice it to say figure best to lose 1. 2 and get away from a bad situation. Might have taken the guy or forced to get $ back (fat white trash burly older guy, butt crack showing, less teeth than fingers) but not worth risking my well being or ending up locked up. So lesson learned. When I called her later to yell at her, she claimed didn't know guy was going to pull the shit he did and was just there for her safety and that she had yelled at him and kicked him out afterwards, altho he kept the money so we both were screwed (while not engaging in the literal version LOL). She has been on SB a lot furing recent weeks, but don't recognize her from any stg ads. Think she just a UTR pro or semi-pro. Live and learn.
Forgive my ignorance but what is “sb”?
SecretBenefits-one of the sugar daddy sites.
Forgive my ignorance but what is “sb”? Originally Posted by Theironden
We can forgive yours butt, not the Tombster!! Please publish all contact info (phone number segment, email, etc.) so nobody else makes all the mistakes you made.

1) Always trust your gut! You knew something was going on upstairs yet...
2) Never! NEVER pay up front!!
3) Don't ever be afraid to walk.
4) You have to do better homework.
Agree. Was about to walk n girl tricked me. If I ever see her on stg I will post something but kind of doubt that will happen.. Her pic n profile are on SB, don't want to put phone numbers out there publicly plus she using a text app. Should have taken my own advice n just walked.
Screenshot the bitch’s pic and post it here. We need something to go on.
Have screenshots but don't know how to share them into here...
While in the new message box, click Go Advanced, then click upload images.
Clicked on the go advanced, but didn't sée any upload button or figure out which icon?
Not sure why you’re not seeing the Upload Images button.. big red rectangle on the left side of the screen
I saw the button n uploaded the screenshot. Trouble is it returns me to photo section of eccie, not to original box for message, ie didn't see anything to save or submit or finished or whatever, just ability to keep uploading more files
Looks like one of the photos is now in Tomb's Image Gallery...
Thanks. Yes, got it there. Just didn't know how to put in these boxes
Okay just saw her stg ad so posting here n other place. Pics are reason my accurate altho a bit more flattering than url if anyone wants to live dangerously lol
Thanks for posting that link. I currently dont have Prem Access to view in your Image Gallery- appreciated.