Can you believe this?

waverunner234's Avatar
In the Netherlands, Europe, it is possible to get a monthly allowance from the Government to visit a provider.
This became possible after a handicapped guy fought 7 years in the courts stating that he couldn't get laid because of his handicap.
10 years ago he won the case and the City he lives in provided him with an allowance of about $125.00 per month to see a prostitute.
The state defended itself against the general opinion who was against it, by stating that the man saved more than the allowance in medicines since he was more relaxed now.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
That beats the shit out of paying fat welfare moms to stay home and pop out litters of futures convicts.
Still Looking's Avatar
They're government was able to justify it because of the savings on Meds and dance lessons?!

waverunner234's Avatar
They're government was able to justify it because of the savings on Meds and dance lessons?!

Originally Posted by Still Looking
Only the medicines.
Yes and it is all true, I would post the news article I found on internet but it is in Dutch and I don't think many people could read it.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Gives new meaning to going "dutch" what a country!
post it! Peeps can use google translate to read the page in English
waverunner234's Avatar
post it! Peeps can use google translate to read the page in English Originally Posted by lilred_robin
Okay, here is the article in Dutch.....

TILBURG - De gemeente Tilburg geeft een lichamelijk gehandicapte inwoner van die stad elke maand geld waarmee hij het bezoek van een prostituee aan huis kan betalen. Het gaat om een bedrag van 190 gulden, afkomstig uit de regeling bijzondere bijstand, zo zei een woordvoerder van de gemeente vrijdag.

De 48-jarige Tilburger voerde zeven jaar lang een verbeten strijd voor een financiële vergoeding voor het contact met een prostituee. De man is lichamelijk gehandicapt en zegt niet in staat te zijn om zijn eigen seksuele behoeften te vervullen. Diverse instanties wezen zijn verzoek af, onder meer omdat seks niet tot de eerste levensbehoeften behoort.

Dat de sociale dienst in Tilburg overstag ging, heeft te maken met een nieuw advies van de GGD. Die liet zich positief uit over een frequent contact van een prostituee met de Tilburger. Daardoor zou hij minder medicijnen hoeven in te nemen, omdat het bezoek hem rust brengt.


(The amount 190 is based on the Dutch Guilder, right before the introduction of the Euro and is at this moment $125, so in the past 10 years he was reimbursed approx. $15,000 for this service and it is still going on. About 10-15% will be recovered by the Government in the form of prostitutes paying income tax.)
topcat19542001's Avatar
I gotta go pack...
and i work for a dutch company.....just need to move home.
I spent 2 years in Holland just recently for work. I'ts not all it's cracked up to be. The private clubs are very expensive and the window girls are assholes. Mostly from eastern block countries or Africa. Absolute clock watchers. Interestingly the dutch are considering banning the trade, now follow me on this, because of all the eastern girls, the dutch girls are struggling to find work. Go figure. I guess that speaks alot about how stuck up this country is. FYI, this is one of the only countries outside the muslim world where it is illegal. If you're going to spend the money, go to Czech Rep., Hungary, or Ukraine, or for that matter Thailand. You'll have a better time. Oh yeah, I am convinced the Dutch learned to cook from the English. Just sayin'
waverunner234's Avatar
FYI, this is one of the only countries outside the muslim world where it is illegal. Originally Posted by iluvbigtits
Don't know were you got that info but it is absolutely wrong, and you spend 2 years there?
It is legal, providers get 1099's or W-2's, pay tax, have rights like unemployment benefits, health insurance, they even have their own union with bank accounts, everything.
On the funny side ........... there was a discussion going on about when a masseuse loses her job, can you force her to apply as a provider as work "that fits" before she gets unemployment benefits.
But you find the quality mostly with the Dutch girls, not the girls from Eastern Europe or Africa.
My bad, I meant the US
thats crazy!! i know the welfare system in some european countries is more than generous.. but a monthly check for a prostitute?? just because ur handicapped and cant get laid?? come on now.. that shit wouldnt fly in america.. the gov't would tell you to go fuck urself (literally)