Why women have sex

Cindy Meston and David Buss, authors of Why Women Have Sex, highlight 200 specific reasons.

'Research has shown that most men find most women at least somewhat sexually attractive, whereas most women do not find most men sexually attractive at all,' conclude the authors, both psychology professors at the University of Texas.

Having apparently discounted physical attraction, the 1,000 women interviewed by Prof Meston gave a huge range of reasons for sleeping with a man.

But in most cases the explanations were far more mundane, with 84 per cent admitting to having sex just to ensure a quiet life or to bargain-for household chores.
I told my wife about that last bit and she chuckled knowingly.
(ref.#2) You can use sex to get a man to do chores? Geez, and to think I've been doing it because I like it.

And to think it was because I was so handsome, smart and such a man in bed…

Thanks for the post FMH. Reminds me of why I enjoy being single by how nice it is not having to think about a SO or girlfriend and what they think.
I choose to ignore this survey and delude myself that my charm and good looks are the only reason. And I am only paying for providers time, anything else that happens is a matter of choice between consenting adults.
I'm with Lonesome Dove on this one! I am soooooo glad I'm single and don't feel the need to "compromise" on anything. Guess you could say I'm a "bit" stubborn! LOL

I have sex because........


I know, not very clinical of me
Kelly TNT's Avatar

None of them said they have sex because they're horny?


Well, I'd be the 1% on that list.


So, umm...yeah!


I mean...sure, there are other reasons why I have sex.
(Umm...hello? I am a provider!)
Okay, more than that too.....

Some of their answers I find interesting.

I mean....sex for chores!

Shooooooot! Who knew!?!
I think a few ladies would benefit on this one! Assuming it actually works!

~Kelly TNT
  • SummerBella
  • 09-21-2009, 09:04 AM
Because we can!!!!! It feels good! Because we can!!!!!
Bob Soldios's Avatar
I'm pretty sure my wife has ponied up "unexpectedly horny right when we get home from work" to get out of cooking before.