Insight into the minds of men!

  • OFF
  • 09-19-2009, 02:27 PM
I tend to be upbeat and in all honesty quite often, I find myself laughing out loud at some of the things I catch myself "thinking" about.

Maybe the guys can relate to this example.

Many times when I walk into someplace (it doesn't really matter where) I catch myself sizing up the guys there. I look at how big they are physically. Are they muscular, particularly across the shoulders? Are they fat, somewhat fat or built? Are they larger than me or a smaller? Do they outweigh me? If so, is the weight differential a significant factor?

The reason for this exercise is purely testosterone based. The information is accumulated, analyzed and a decision is made in tenths of a second. What is the purpose of this analytical and decision making process?

To answer the all important question ... Can I take him? LOL

Now very soon, I will be 58 years old. WHY, would I need to know this? It is not like I am actually going to start a fight with one of the guys. But yet ... I still catch myself going through this mental exercise.

Now I am curious, do any of the rest of you guys do this?

OFF :-)
Mesquitor's Avatar
No, but I do catch myself sizing up the ladies there. I look at how they appear physically. Are they slim, particularly in the waist. Are their breasts large? Are they older than me or younger. If younger, is the age differential a significant factor?

The reason for this exercise is purely testosterone based. The information is accumulated, analyzed and a decision is made in tenths of a second. What is the purpose of this analytical and decision making process?

To answer the all important question ... Would I want to be with her? LOL

Now very soon, I will be 55 years old. WHY, would I need to know this? It is not like I am actually going to spend any time with the lady. But yet ... I still catch myself going through this mental exercise.

Actually, though, in response to your question . . . yes I do. I'm very safety conscious and try to be aware of my surroundings at all times. When the SO and I go to a restaurant she already knows that we'll sit in the back of the restaurant where I can have my back to a wall and see the door.

If I am sitting with someone at a restaurant I don't look at them as much as I should. I'm always watching the crowd to see what is going on. I even make mental notes of a plan of action in case the proverbial brown stuff hits the fan!

I know . . . probably too paranoid! But I've had some involvement in situations where the stuff hit the fan and realize that it can happen again and I want to be ready!

  • OFF
  • 09-19-2009, 04:54 PM
The information is accumulated, analyzed and a decision is made in tenths of a second. Originally Posted by OFF
Notice this part takes only seconds ... I too spend the rest of the time doing what is important and that is staring at .....

Well you know!

OFF :-)
To answer your question OFF… I don’t think about it much. I do perform a threat assessment upon entry to any place be it a supermarket, restaurant or building by examining and being aware of my surroundings by understanding what is there and what does not belong.

As far as “sizing” up a guy and thinking could I “take”him... nah. Rather what I think is how long the possible aggressor would survive if he were to involve himself with me in a confrontation… one second, three seconds or maybe five if I was feeling generous? This action is not testosterone based but entirely security based with confidence in my training.

The next thing I do is to size up the ladies there like Mesquitor wrote. I do note their physical appearance first, as in if they have attractive looks, height weight proportionate, bust size(cup and overall size), waist size in relation to the rest of their body and age then deciding if I am interested in anyone I see. This is a testosterone based activity because I am busy doing the following in my mind with someone who interests me

I do find myself chuckling at myself because of my training but it works for me.
I do the same exercise of sizing up the competetion then I size up the women to see who will be the next.
1thatgotaway's Avatar

I thought this was going to be about Sex or Food...

Mesquitor's Avatar
Well, I did mention a restaurant . . . and was thinking about sex . . .

Bob Soldios's Avatar
I think some of the reasoning behind this gets back to some of the most base instincts we have an animals. It's an instinctual level where everything is essentiailly one of the following :
a) Something we can kill
b) Something that can kill us
c) Something we eat
d) Something we fuck
e) Something we ignore.
Introuble's Avatar
Hell I thought it was going to be PICTURES