Acoustic Wave Treatment for ED

Guitar's Avatar
I may should have put this in the Men's Forum, but I'm not really embarrassed by this so much that I don't want the women to read it. Heck, they may have some good input on it as well. I've been hearing and even seeing some advertisements for this Acoustic Wave Treatment on the radio and tv to help with men's aging ED problems. I called and they would not tell me over the phone how much these treatments cost. They said I had to come in and consult with a dr there at their office, but there would be no charge to just talk. So I sat up an appt and showed up. They asked me a bunch of questions and my health and took blood pressure and what not. I even had to drop my pants down and lay back on the bed while the dr. put some jelly on my lower belly and done a sonogram, (or something like a sonogram), to listen to the heartbeat in my blood vessels around my groin area. After they done all this, the dr cleared me to have the Acoustic Procedure. Then another clinic consultant came in and started his selling tactics. According to him, the procedure is 90% effective and is non invasive and blah blah blah. At this point, I'm sold on this procedure. I just want to know how much it's gonna cost me. He gives me the figures on how much it is to have injections, (which they don't offer at this clinic), but is VERY expensive and how much a penile implant is, which is also VERY expensive. At THIS point, I KNOW their procedure is going to be out of my price range because he's tring to tell me it's going to be cheaper than these other procedures, but still expensive. He even shows me a video of how the procedure works and has been proving positive results in Europe and now this clinic has the machine that has been built and shipped here from Europe. So here's the sell's pitch and I'm still waiting for a price, which is the whole reason I drove 1 and 1/2 hours to hear. For a treatment a week and 12 weeks worth, it's $4000.00! And I'm not saying it's not worth every penny. If I could get a hardon like I used to be able to, it's worth it. The problem? I don't have $4000.00 now, or even in 2020, I don't see having the money. NOT to put on this. It's a procedure that no insurance is gonna pay because it's elective and not medically necessary. So, if any of you guys have been hearing or seeing this ad on radio or tv, I'm here to tell you what your gonna be told when you go see these people. Ladies pay more than that for breast implants, I hear, and that's ok. I"m not knocking big knockers. I like them too. But I just can't see paying that for something for ME. Maybe down the road when ED is a bigger problem for me. Just now right now. If I only had Basscat's 14 inch horse cock or Stellix's millionaire bank acct, my troubles would be over.

Maybe I should set up a GoFundMe acct so I could get this done!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!
If I only had Basscat's 14 inch horse cock or Stellix's millionaire bank acct, my troubles would be over.

Maybe I should set up a GoFundMe acct so I could get this done!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL! Originally Posted by Guitar

You made a mistake and added a 1 in front of my huge penis size. Its 4 inches not 14.

I have never had an issue getting hard but it seems so common that I am sure at some point I will have to deal with it. Just the thought of my dick not working really bothers me. I dont drink, smoke or use drugs so all I have is fucking. I actually have more sex drive now than I did in my 30s. I want to fuck 5 or 6 times a day but between work and life and my so thinking I am crazy for thinking we should fuck that much it just cant happen. I still want it that much in my twisted head but my physical ability just cant keep up that kind of pace anymore anyways. The so will humor me every few months and let me have it all I want any way I want and it makes for a good day but the next day I am wore out and have muscle cramps and spasms. Its really pathetic. Its hell getting old

I have never heard of this treatment but if it worked and I had ed I would sell something to have it done. Fucking is the most enjoyable thing in my life no way I would let any amount of money get in the way of that. I would figure out a way.
See if eBay has the machine, probably $400 bucks and use it all you want.
Never heard of it. That doesn't mean anything of course.
myren1900's Avatar
There is an interesting and informative thread started by Seeking ~P about ED. It is on

>They said I had to come in and consult with a dr there at their office, but there would be no charge to just talk.

That right there is the tip off of a face-to-face hard sales pitch after they do a walletectomy and check your wheels and credit score.

Drive a beatup rattrap while wearing hick from the sticks stained overalls with shit-kickers and no socks and make sure you ask about taking cash because your credit cards got cut up.
good advice name