Donald Trump, president for life? We need term limits now

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

The option of a single-term presidency has been considered throughout U.S. history. In 1912, the Democratic Party platform formally called for a single presidential term; the following year, the Senate approved a constitutional amendment to that effect. Former President Woodrow Wilson then had the proposed amendment discreetly killed when Congress went out of session.

a single term president hasn't really worked out that well..

look at mexico's system. their president serves one term for 6 years. one and done. you don't see too much precedent follow into the next presidential term.

a succeeding president is not under any obligation to follow the previous president's precedent.

this writer wants make any president a 1 termer.
looks like this writer is triggered with TDS.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
term limit thoughts.

the presidents term should be kept at 2 terms, but increase the year served from 4 to 6 for total of 12 years.

House term should increase from 2 to 3 years, but limited to 4 terms for a total of 12 years.

Senate term should decrease from 6 to 3 years but limited to 4 terms for a total of 12 years. If senator is appointed, serves for 6 years, term is unlimited, subject of course to legislatures vote.
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