Make you think?

I was passing by some hotels last night and my mind started wandering about if I've visited a escort at that place?

Anyone else ever think about it? I was soon doing mental gymnastics building a list in my mind, I gave up when I realized I have CRS and there's been too many to remember.
I suggest recalling the much shorter list of hotels you have been in for more than 90 minutes. For me that one is 3.
As for your list, let's just say I rarely need directions.
yardape's Avatar
Sure, and I always wonder who's in there fucking whom.
Can't let this be a guys only thread!

If you want to know what I think when passing hotels,
meet me at one and I'll show ya'. LOL

Nice photo SP!!!
I hear some people actually sleep in hotels.
I slept in a hotel once...
TexRich's Avatar
Not only when I travel the DFW area but also sometimes when I am driving in ATX, San Antonio and Houston.
Kelly TNT's Avatar
There is a hotel in North Dallas that I pass from time to time.
It never fails...I get a flash of naked body's in my mind. And then I giggle thinking...."Damn, I love that Ottoman"!

Or, as we call it now...."The Hottoman".

Good Times Good Times......

~Kelly TNT
elpocitopolloloco's Avatar
There are places I remember. There are places I want to forget.
TexTushHog's Avatar
When the wind is out of the southeast, the approach to the runway at Love Field is over AMPville. If I'm on the right side of the plane with a view of all the AMPs, I look down and wonder who is getting a table shower, a blow job, etc.
Years ago, I had a "special" friend. He was a married gentleman and I was not a provider then. We had some REALLY fun times in and around the Metroplex. Sometimes, I will pass by those hotels and smile. I remember every one!
Bob Soldios's Avatar
Oh yeah, and I've almost gotten in trouble a few times because of it.

I have a habit of talking a lot and telling stories when I'm driving around with the wife as we go past and around places I know something about or have some personal history about.

There are a couple hotels I have to bite my tongue when we drive near, as well as a few parks, and one particular high school baseball diamond.
Introuble's Avatar
I quit thinking about it when I ran out of hotels in North Dallas I had not been to. It seemed redundant.