BBQ Cookoff at the Livestock show

Many here going?
Slitlikr's Avatar
Thursday night
4PawgLovers's Avatar
Yes !! I am excited. I enjoy it every year.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 02-25-2020, 05:12 AM
My friend says he goes and just walks up to tents and tries to get in. Eventually he gets in to a good number of them he says. First time I went I thought it was like on tv where you buy bbq from vendors all over, was very disappointing to see it was just a corporate thing nothing but private parties. Once you get in a tent it wasn't that bad. Still not what I think of when I think cook off.
JDog's Avatar
  • JDog
  • 02-25-2020, 09:06 AM
Tell me about the parties. Is it packed with beautiful women and how many do you think are there are hookers?
I always wanted to go.
Trey it used to be a lot different back in the day.
Now-a-days it's pretty much as you describe.
It was a lot more fun back then.
notanewbie's Avatar
had too many lame times...pass fo sho
4PawgLovers's Avatar
Very corporate. When me and my girlfriend go we are in a family members tent. LOL, I am constantly dodging the cousins. Drunktards ect. I have lots of pics from last year. I recommend leaving by 10pm.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 02-26-2020, 06:46 AM
Tell me about the parties. Is it packed with beautiful women and how many do you think are there are hookers?
I always wanted to go.
JDog Originally Posted by JDog
No. The chicks that are there usually have a man with them. I am sure hookers go. Are they hooking while there? Doubtful, but possibly. That's a lot of work to score a John out at the bbq cook off. Then off somewhere to do the deed.

Go set up with a hooker near NRG for when done with bbq.

I wanted to do chilli cook off but after seeing the bbq one kinda turned me off to it. Again I want to try different chili but its probably just another corporate grab.
I will be in the Bulls tent tomorrow night. Always have A blast at cookoff!
HoustonRiley's Avatar
I want some!!!!
kerwil62's Avatar

Horrible parking each year, and it got boring. Stopped going after 2015.
Going tonight on corporate funding.
Went Thursday night and last night. Gonna be at opening night Tuesday for Midland. I <3 rodeo season.