Encounter: Massage therepist

User ID: Patty
Date: 02/25/2020
Name: Belesa Spa
Phone: (956) 328-5146
Email Address: -
URL (Profile or Bio Page): https://cityxguide.co/body-rubs/prof...68871-37998347
City: McAllen
State: Texas
Address: 10th St
Appointment Type: Spa
Activities: FBSM
Duration of Encounter: 60 minutes
Hair Length and Color: Black, mid back
Age: 41
Smoking Status: -
Ethnic Background: -
Physical Description: Attractive, cute
Recommendation: No
Did you ask,
happened to me the first time too. second time, I just grabbed her butt and it was game on from there. if you haven't seen her before, she will be cautious and stick to massage unless you initiate things
  • snook
  • 02-25-2020, 08:36 PM
I always try to call her ... she never answers...
I always try to call her ... she never answers... Originally Posted by Dogrex1499
text her lol. all the girls communicate via text
Lol shes def fs. Trust me.
I didn’t
Texas Gamble's Avatar
FS is a definite go but She’s gotta be comfortable. Ask her about All that herbal Supplement bullshit she sells on the side. When she starts talking about you become her best friend. My first visit was also no go but every one after that has been wall to wall.
Wassup with you guys, she offered the fs on my first visit. Guess I’m a nice guy?
so she moved?
so she moved? Originally Posted by 956gtdude
Yup she moved on tenth and nolana I’ll let y’all know where once I get out lol