WARNING: Possible LE / Sting in the LC area

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Got a call from a 713 area code for an OC to a hotel in Lake Charles, La. The client asked said he was there with his friend and wanted to know if I had a friend. I didn’t so I told him I could come by myself but I don’t see more than 1 person at a time, for safety purposes, so I’d only be able to see him. I requested a pic, which he didn’t send but ended up texting back asking if I was going to be able to make it? I brought it to his attention that he never addressed or responded to my text and wanted to know if just he wanted to see me. He ended up calling instead of texting and since I’m his area code is from my hometown I tried to make small talk and didn’t seem interested and when asked what side of town he was from he gave an answer I don’t think I’ve ever heard and when I tried to clarify he quickly switched the subject and side stepped it all together. So I hung up and blocked him. I’ve done this a long time & have managed to successfully get through many many stings, so at the very least I know the basics of what to look/listen for. And my gut says He talked like a LE, the requested OC was set up like LE, he was ill prepared with his responses and most importantly, HE WAS TOO COMFORTABLE BEING UNCOMFORTABLE!!! Be careful In you’re working in the Lake Charles, La (70601) area.