Ways to let them down easy....

Thanks wheretonow for the suggestion-it was perfect!

There was a thread going about women who don't answer their PM. So I flipped the question seeking answers, and he made the suggestion to start this thread. So here is it....

I read ISOs all the time. Some I even respond to. Most of the time, I get no response at all. Why is that? I mean I know "why" is probably because I'm not your type (ie you want young spinner) or you think I'm evil, or whatever.

So here is my question.....why NOT respond? I mean, lie if you have to and say you already found someone. Or say your window of opportunity has closed. But say something! Don't just ignore the PM. I mean it's rude, don't ya think?

At the same time, we ladies do have feelings and don't want mean responses. We would hate to hear "you are too old, or too fat, or too ugly" or whatever.

So what suggestions do you have to let a lady down easy? We would prefer that you told us something (or at least I would)....

I agree with your comments about not returning the PMs and above all agree with your joke at the bottom. Go Steelers

Personally, I prefer being ignored to a line of bullshit. Different strokes, I guess.
mansfield's Avatar
Guess I've never had occasion to let a lady down, it's usually the other way around lol.
Hercules's Avatar
Honestly I think it's rude to not respond. If uninterested or unavailable just have the guts to say so instead of hiding behind a rock.
i hate no replies, so i always reply
Lie to me, say you are busy, or tell the truth,i don't care, just show some respect and courtesy and reply! I can take it!
I would not hurt her feelings and would probably say i already found someone, or tell her my plans changed as my next door neighbor just knocked on my door wearing her bikini asking to borrow a cup of flour!
I've posted an ISO now and again.....and I ALWAYS reply to anyone who responds to me, whether it's in a PM to me or a direct response in the thread.

I hate it when I don't get responses from providers so I make sure I respond. I may not be able to see that provider at the time but I'll usually keep their PM for another time.
Sometimes I will send a response to an ISO saying something like "I'm not your type, but may I suggest so and so" and can't even get a thank you lol. Like, is it really that hard to say thanks?
Guest091314's Avatar
in my condition, I cannot take anything to heart. There is no way in heck I could be everyones type. Only the brave will make it LOL!
Im guilty of not responding. I am also guilty of being rude.

I am not very tactful at times and tend to forget that everyone is not an insensitive bastard like me.

On the bright side I wash my ass regularly, always leave on time and only send out cock pics on request.
and only send out cock pics on request. Originally Posted by monkmonk
lol can i put in my request? i need some masturbation material
Maybe I'm old school or just an Old Guy. (But - Old Guyz Rule!) In any case, I do my best never to end any PM conversation. I reply, am polite, and generally do my best to stay positive and complimentary. I was raised to believe anything less would be rude. If the other person replies, I do so again unless there is an obvious end to the convo from their message. Just my $.02
It is rude to not response.

Just say no thanks or something like that.
PODarkness's Avatar
As long as it's in a PM, and not on a public forum, I'd rather hear the truth. If I'm sent a "white lie" it doesn't help me, and if later events show that it was a lie, it will effect my opinion of the sender, but not in a good way.
mtabsw's Avatar
I don't get many and don't do much in the way of ISO-type stuff. I know how it burns my ass to not get anything back so I try to always respond.

I think I'd give the guys the same advice I give my distaff colleagues about cancels or communication problems. Don't bullshit me (grandma died again) nor tell me the painful truth "Nine inch Nick" or "big spender Bob" got your time slot... Split the middle, but at least tell me..."sorry, had to change plans"

So Meg, long story short, I'd respond to a pm such as you were talking about with a pleasant "thanks for responding, but I've made other plans". If I wanted to keep you coming back - i'd add "please try again, too many women, not enough $"