Dallas County Elections Administrator Toni Pippins-Poole discovered her office did not count about 10% of the ballots that voters cast on Super Tuesday.============================== ==========================
She is now asking a court to let her conduct a manual recount of the votes, after she discovered 44 thumb drives containing ballots that were not included in the final results.
[…] “Of the 44 thumb drives, 16 were not received in a timely manner to the Elections Department and 28 were from voting machines not scheduled to be used but were used by volunteer election officials,” Pippins-Poole said in a statement Saturday evening addressing the blunder.
“We need to investigate this entirely, immediately. The time has absolutely come for Toni Pippins-Poole to step down as elections administrator
How does one not know that 44 lost thumb drives were not counted? It's basic GAAP. They cross check the ballots, the voter registration rolls, licenses, machine control totals, etc.
No way. I call bullshit.
Wanna know what Toni Pippins-Poole looks like? Get your Pikachu shocked face ready....
