Cuomo would rethink closing everything down

“What we did was we closed everything down. That was our public health strategy. Just close everything, all businesses, old workers, young people, old people, short people, tall people,” said Cuomo. “Every school closed, everything.”
“If you rethought that or had time to analyze that public health strategy, I don't know that you would say quarantine everyone,” Cuomo admitted. “I don't even know that that was the best public health policy. Young people then quarantined with older people was probably not the best public health strategy because the younger people could have been exposing the older people to an infection. “
Cuomo stressed the need for both public health and economic growth. “We have to do both,” said the governor. “We’re working on it.”
Hmm, The Democrat Governor of the hardest hit state is basically saying what Trump continues to say. What are the libs going to do with him?
  • oeb11
  • 03-27-2020, 07:16 AM
Force Cuomo - (both of them) out to join the Republican party!
Missburger's Avatar
trump is a liberal

hes givng black people over 3k per family with all thier kids

obama gave a phone

trump giving 3k
Cuomo, once again, is full of shit

Cuomo adopts this "considered, deep thinking, can see it all" manner as he spouts propaganda designed to make him look a statesman but nothing he spouts is based in reality, its all but the trappings of a paper moon hanging over a cardboard sea

new york's strategy wasn't close everything down

a big reason nyc is the corona epicenter is they didn't close anything down

city leaders and officials encouraged people to go about their lives as normal

I think that encouragement had its underpinnings in anti-trump bias and ideological hatreds

the city leaders cared more for political stances than their citizen's lives, which is a dim staple

tucker carlson had a segment about this last night

here's tucker's opening:

“As this deadly virus emerged from eastern China and began to spread inexorably across the globe, clearly headed here, leaders in New York not only failed to shield their citizens from it, they took affirmative and aggressive steps to increase the risk to their population,” Carlson said.

Why would they do that? Well, because they were worried far more about being called racist than protecting human lives. That’s not an overstatement. That’s not hyperbole.”

and very likely the reason as the dims in a chorus had attacked trump as a racist for stopping travel from china

new york city's HEALTH COMMISSIONER:

"The risk to New Yorkers from coronavirus is low and … our preparedness as a city is very high,” Barbot said at a Feb. 2 press conference supporting the Chinatown Lunar New Year Parade and Festival. “There is no reason not to take the subway, not to take a bus, not to go out to your favorite restaurant and certainly not to miss the parade next Sunday [Feb. 9].”

State Leaders:

State senators John Liu and Brian Kavanaugh, who also advocated for the parade and downplayed the threat of the virus.

mayor de blasio:

New York City mayor bill de blasio encouraged New Yorkers in early March to “get out on the town despite Coronavirus.”

with all that mixing and encouragement, the city became the highly contagious virus central it is

after the virus storm hit nyc de blasio was on ‘Meet the Press’ shrieking that donald trump had abandoned the city.”
  • oeb11
  • 03-27-2020, 07:48 AM
Trump closed the US border to China in late January
While the Fascist DPST's were screaming "Racist, xenophobia,hysteria.And on and on
LSM and Fascist DPST's are great at ignoring facts and reality!
Cuomo, once again, is full of shit

Cuomo adopts this "considered, deep thinking, can see it all" manner as he spouts propaganda designed to make him look a statesman but nothing he spouts is based in reality, its all but the trappings of a paper moon hanging over a cardboard sea

new york's strategy wasn't close everything down

a big reason nyc is the corona epicenter is they didn't close anything down

city leaders and officials encouraged people to go about their lives as normal

I think that encouragement had its underpinnings in anti-trump bias and ideological hatreds

the city leaders cared more for political stances than their citizen's lives, which is a dim staple

tucker carlson had a segment about this last night

here's tucker's opening:

“As this deadly virus emerged from eastern China and began to spread inexorably across the globe, clearly headed here, leaders in New York not only failed to shield their citizens from it, they took affirmative and aggressive steps to increase the risk to their population,” Carlson said.

Why would they do that? Well, because they were worried far more about being called racist than protecting human lives. That’s not an overstatement. That’s not hyperbole.”

and very likely the reason as the dims in a chorus had attacked trump as a racist for stopping travel from china

new york city's HEALTH COMMISIONER:

"The risk to New Yorkers from coronavirus is low and … our preparedness as a city is very high,” Barbot said at a Feb. 2 press conference supporting the Chinatown Lunar New Year Parade and Festival. “There is no reason not to take the subway, not to take a bus, not to go out to your favorite restaurant and certainly not to miss the parade next Sunday [Feb. 9].”

State Leaders:

State senators John Liu and Brian Kavanaugh, who also advocated for the parade and downplayed the threat of the virus.

mayor de blasio:

New York City mayor bill de blasio encouraged New Yorkers in early March to “get out on the town despite Coronavirus.”

with all that mixing and encouragement, the city became the highly contagious virus central it is

after the virus storm hit nyc de blasio was on ‘Meet the Press’ shrieking that donald trump had abandoned the city.” Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
You are right, it wasn't their initial reaction, but it was the most recent knee jerk reaction as cases grew and DemPanic set in. Cuomo ordered closures and lockdowns and the national guard was even called in to potentially enforce.

Even though they are currently hardest hit, he's seeing the ramifications of that knee jerk lockdown and would rethink it.
You are right, it wasn't their initial reaction, but it was the most recent knee jerk reaction as cases grew and DemPanic set in. Cuomo ordered closures and lockdowns and the national guard was even called in to potentially enforce.

Even though they are currently hardest hit, he's seeing the ramifications of that knee jerk lockdown and would rethink it. Originally Posted by eccielover
yeah an after the fact Band-Aid on a spurting jugular vein

but certainly the economy is hurting

the first duty of any government is to protect its citizens but the dim mentality is global and feelings driven and not citizen driven
HedonistForever's Avatar
Makes perfect sense in a cramped city, right? Close all the bars and restaurants so person's can't congregate there and make them stay in multi floor high rises where they all get into the same elevators and pass each other in hallways mixing young and old as the Gov. said. It would be one thing if all those people in all those high rises stayed in their apartments but you know they are not, they are just staying out of restaurants, bars and places of employment which admittedly could help but unless they stay completely inside, this will continue with the prediction that in places like New York, they expect to see increases for a minimum of another 21 days.
trump is a liberal

hes givng black people over 3k per family with all thier kids

obama gave a phone

trump giving 3k Originally Posted by Missburger
Trump is giving EVERYBODY 3K - not just blacks.

Shut your racist mouth.
the supercilious pontificator cuomo has been caught with his pants down

after his fake but impassioned cry of "you pick the 26,000 to die"

he's been found out a liar (again), didn't need ventilators, well not right now, we are holding them in reserve, stockpiling them just in case
the supercilious pontificator cuomo has been caught with his pants down

after his fake but impassioned cry of "you pick the 26,000 to die"

he's been found out a liar (again), didn't need ventilators, well not right now, we are holding them in reserve, stockpiling them just in case Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Again it's a game to cry wolf, look pathetic, and get the most from the Feds in aid.

He also was quoted as saying there really wasn't an emergency situation with the PPE either, just that it was a day to day supply. Apparently the bullshit about wearing plastic bags/etc as PPE was indeed bullshit. They weren't actually out of anything, just a day to day supply chain.
Missburger's Avatar
Trump is giving EVERYBODY 3K - not just blacks.

Shut your racist mouth. Originally Posted by Revenant
not everyone wrong
  • oeb11
  • 03-28-2020, 09:54 AM
Planning on opening literacy stations in Kalifornia and ny, fidel????
not everyone wrong Originally Posted by Missburger
Really? What racial, ethnic, gender, or religious group is not getting money? Name them or shut up.