
cameltoe101's Avatar
Anyone know of good movies on Netflix or hulu ?
Maybe hobby related.
Yes. Showing on Dateline.
Title is: Scorned

It's about years and years of being stalked by a mental lady, and being threatened etc etc.
Keith Morrison reports.
This report is unreal!!
The rival (stalker) took on the other (innocent) womans identity, phone and email and pretended to be the innocent woman.
The mental females stalking and her cruel personality went on right under the nose
of everyone, family, friends even LE.

It's an incredible tale of deception and stalking that went on for years and years.
About 84mins long and yes, IMO it's hobby related ~
VIPDesire's Avatar
I watched this film called 'The Platform' which I thought was pretty good. I've been watching a lot of TV series as well like 'Ozark' and 'The Stranger'. There is a comedy 'Kareem and Coffee' which is definitely funny af. And of course 'Tiger King' has been trending all quarantine which is a documentary about an exotic pet owner and his eccentric lifestyle. None of these are hobby related but they're a good watch.
No hobby related however The Netflix Series- YOU is classic stalking and yes STALKING is for REAL surprises me it’s more FEMALES that do it then men.
annie@christophers's Avatar
Who da hell are stalling you... lay it out nik... we cant help if dont know WHO!! XXOO ANNIE
Shawshank Redemption is a very good movie. I have seen it too many times to count.
