what is worse than covid-19

It is TDS and Zollner has it bad. Whatever will he do in 5 years when Trump is out and Pence is in???
Four more years of Trump is the worst kept secret in America....
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Imagine the panic if Republicans take the house.
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Zollner's Avatar
what is worse than covid-19
It is TDS and Zollner has it bad. Whatever will he do in 5 years when Trump is out and Pence is in??? Originally Posted by the jeepguy
TTP & TTT is def worse......Believe Me!!!
Zollner's Avatar
Zollner's Avatar
Zollner's Avatar
Actually do miss Don Don's highly entertaining daily election briefings. You never knew what new carno cures he was going to pull out of his wise and all-knowing Gut!


Ivanka's even doing her part! They come in all sizes!

It's the economy stupid
The economy is going to be in the shitter in November ..the party is over..figure it out
Zollner's Avatar
Yup and the way Daffy Don is culling his mindless herd of supporters he will have trouble getting who is left to vote for him!....LOL

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Daffy Don's Base is as Daffy/Sick as Don!!!