Foooking Shit Stains

TryWeakly's Avatar
So, in an attempt to lighten the mood, anyone care to share any funny hobby-related shit stories UITB ?

I read one on this board a long time ago about some dude wiping his dick on the window coverings after butt sex. Caint find it now, though.

Shirley someone has experience with this "matter" ...

this scene from Parks&Rec is a classic.

LexusLover's Avatar
So, in an attempt to lighten the mood, anyone care to share any funny hobby-related shit stories UITB ?

I read one on this board a long time ago about some dude wiping his dick on the window coverings after butt sex. Caint find it now, though.

Shirley someone has experience with this "matter" ...
Originally Posted by TryWeakly
I recall that story about the curtains .... at the moment I'm trying to recall whether or not I ever noticed any curtains in an incall in which I found myself..... bedspreads .... yes ... I've noticed those and like a gentleman gingerly slid them back so as to avoid any unexpected and/or unwanted discharges of body fluids that were not captured before landing on the bed. I would like to be able to brag that I was concerned about hitting the drapes, but ..... there's already too much bullshit on here.

TW .... I'm neither "trolling" you nor "chumming" anyone! YET!
TryWeakly's Avatar
Good thing !

Cause I would hate to have you be my first.... RTM, that is....

......and, to my flock, there IS a difference between chumming and trolling.
  • pxmcc
  • 04-27-2020, 08:01 PM
Good thing !

Cause I would hate to have you be my first.... RTM, that is....

......and, to my flock, there IS a difference between chumming and trolling. Originally Posted by TryWeakly
you got my foie gras about ready yet? this whole famine thing is making me work up a huge appetite, and i'm not all about russ' panacea just yet..

apparently ladybugs havent gotten the memo about the end of the world, cause i saw 2 of them humping on my apple tree today like business as usual, and they were definitely not 6 feet apart. (apparently ladybugs prefer k9. they're just dogs.) or maybe they knew all about it and decided that was the best way to go. hmm maybe they're onto something. brb..

what was the topic again?
TryWeakly's Avatar
S.H.I.T ... let's hear your shit show story....

come on, you know you got one....
  • pxmcc
  • 04-27-2020, 11:11 PM
bloody heck. i dont even wanna go there. imma let someone else tell their war stories.

i'd prefer to think about when i popped my ex's greek cherry. best. sex. ever.
LexusLover's Avatar
Good thing !

Cause I would hate to have you be my first.... RTM, that is....

......and, to my flock, there IS a difference between chumming and trolling. Originally Posted by TryWeakly
You mean that an accusation of "trolling" can get someone banned?

Or does it depend on their avatar?

I'll check in later .... I begin work in 6 minutes.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Yep. Apparently the accusation alone is all that is, thats only a one-way door. Ask Justice Kavanaugh about that.

Back on topic tho.... shirley there are turd stories....

I suspect ladies have more stories, butt since they got skeered off TB I doubt they will come forward and join the party.

To that end, that leaves us with the residual "gentlemen" to bring forth their turd stories.
If I remember started a thread similar to yours here sometime back.
winn dixie's Avatar
Where is sc and the other handle?

On to my scat story.

Several years ago when i still foocked chicks buttholes. I deposited a load in my gf's bung and when i pulled out there was a corn kernal on the tip of my dick! No shit no lie!
We both looked at it in disbelief. For some reason i kinda flicked my dick and when i did the corn flew up in the air and landed right in the middle of her bed sheets. Its a great memory i will always remember!
TryWeakly's Avatar
Good thing you flicked it off, otherwise it could have been called...


wait for it...


Creamed Corn.

Thank you for participating.
winn dixie's Avatar
Paging Humpty......This is his kinda thread
Corn may be better than a piece of pecan pie
TryWeakly's Avatar
No second attempt at digestion?

The ever-elusive kernel of truth...

Hell hath no fury like that of a woman CORNED