Optimistic Observations

As expected.... the NFL gave a big fuck you to everyone and carried on as usual and of course.... stole the show.... to the surprise of no one.

The NBA which started this entire chain overreaction.... is getting back to business as well.....

But most importantly.... traffic on the 290 and 90 was about five fold from what it was last Friday. All those cars have to be going somewhere.... and indeed the grocery store (which has been exempted from the virus) was very busy today. The people will bring this nonsense to an end.....

And just like that.... the Science will change.... or to be more correct... the Science will catch up....

Somebody please let the hooks know....
Next Best Thing's Avatar
But Paul the NFL completely changed the format of the draft.
The NFL offered hope.
The media, on the other hand, kept saying it was a bad look to hold the draft.... in any form.
And of course, the media and the lemmings who are buying into this crap sniffles virus vilified the NFL to not hold the draft.... The NFL to it's credit paid no attention.
Zollner's Avatar
Perhaps time for another Grand Soirée....LOL

Zollner's Avatar
Somebody please let the hooks know.... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Perhaps time for another Grand Soirée at the mansion/club?....LOL

I see you have nothing to say on the subject..... TWICE
Thanks for being consistent....
Next Best Thing's Avatar

I figured it was another NFL marketing gimmick. You must admit that since their season is so far away it's easier for them to work around this then it is for the other sports which have really been badly undermined.

I figured it was another NFL marketing gimmick. You must admit that since their season is so far away it's easier for them to work around this then it is for the other sports which have really been badly undermined. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Absolutely they are benefitting from the timing.
What is important that they said "Fuck the optics... we are the NFL".... and snubbed their noses at the media and the lemmings....
And as expected.... the NFL spends the next two weeks in the spotlight.....
Zollner's Avatar
I see you have nothing to say on the subject.
Thanks for being consistent.... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
It was on topic!

Try and keep up....LOL
But again, nothing new there....
Zollner's Avatar
But again, nothing new there.... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
It helps explains this...LOL

So as expected.... you have no observations of your own....
Thanks again for the clarification....
Zollner's Avatar
Glad you finally got caught up!


Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-28-2020, 02:22 PM
The NFL draft was done with GMs, coaches and owners all sitting in their own living rooms to stay separated from each other. Except Jerry Jones, of course, who was on his yacht. There was no crowd involved, outside the norm. And i heard not one media outlet claim that having the draft under those conditions was a bad look. Just like i've not heard one media outlet claim that the NASCAR Eracing series is a bad look.

And to be fair, i'm sure if basketball, hockey and baseball could carry on with each player playing from their own living rooms, i'm sure the media would be perfectly ok with that.

You're grasping.
Equally important....

reopened yesterday....