Nasty, Mean Providers

I've been hitting SA for the past few years, and my success in finding a diamond is getting harder and harder, so in lean times I turn to my P411 account. I recently reached out to a traveling provider who caught my eye, and requested an appointment in late June. She sent me a text with a screenshot showing that a few providers had commented on some forum where I had either wasted their time or tried to rip my condom off mid session to go BB. I have over 40 OKs on P411, and I explained that these comments posted about me are completely false, and likely to have resulted when I wrote an honest review about my experience. I learned early on that I should only write a negative review when a provider 1. Doesn't act professionally or 2. Isn't representing herself truthfully in photos. My best guess is these posts about me were written by the same "provider." The provider I tried to schedule an appointment with then asked me for more personal info, and I should not have given it to her, but I did. She then proceeded to let me know she would only see me if I scheduled a longer appointment and gave her a deposit upfront. I let her know that I never send money upfront, as I have been burned too many times. She then went off on me, calling me some very degrading names, and letting me know she was going to add my personal info to the disparaging posts on that site she found info on about me. I was completely shocked by how this "provider" with a really professional website, and asking a higher than normal rate, turned on me so quickly and with such nastiness. I was nothing but nice in my exchanges, and I even asked her if she was stressed about something or having a bad day, because I really couldn't understand why she was behaving this way. She never turned nice and she blocked me. Anyone else have similar experiences?
jaman123's Avatar
I had almost the same thing. I just asked a question on why you have a email in the add when you told me you never answer the email and she also went off calling me all sort of names and saying i should never contact her again and she was going to block me. I was shocked, and i asked her nicely.
gimme_that's Avatar
False and unfounded reports are a nasty part of the hobby that exist unfortunately and you have to deal with it. By doing absolutely nothing actually.

Meaning that ladies use those rip-off report sites as a resource for screening more than anything else. Just a resource. Same as guys using reviews as a mere resource. How many times have you seen a review for a lady drop dead gorgeous, who gives crappy service and more and more guys review her. Assuredly they knew it was a bad time. They saw the bad reviews and used it as a resource, but ultimately the look of her still drew them in when they thought their experience would be different or they could change her. Thats the fly by night girl that get burned out quick and it still take time before clients know she isn’t worth much and her business is affected. But again that takes time.

If a providers potential earnings and clients were based solely upon the judgement of another that says more about her. I’ve had false reports on me from providers who never saw me sometimes, some just based off preferences in session you can’t control or they aren’t honest about; but that won’t necessarily hinder you seeing ladies. Shoot sometimes they just wanna see you have references, but they don’t even contact them. And sometimes they don’t contact them at all because they don’t want to lose business if the reference makes them a better offer.......or your references gets mad you didn’t see her instead so she talks bad on you so your booking fails and then she comes back and offers you that time with her. Which can happen from time to time with reference checks. In that regard the sisterhood is not that strong. Many times ladies don’t even care about contacting your references. It’s just a perceived formality. They don’t trust you, and they sure as hell don’t just trust a random chick. That why you rarely see chick that work with each other regularly. Providers are well aware other providers can have shady tactics. It’s all about of the game. And shoot probably when you found out there was a report out about you, no doubt a provider told you in confidence. Same as white knights clients to and say to providers when they see a review if you post something others negate to for what ever reason. (She has no front teeth, and she hates being on top.)

BeCause they are independent, the best ones make their own decisions at the end of the day and don’t let another provider dictate their moves or what goes in their pocket. And really do you really want to see a provider that is that naive to assume all the word of providers as the honest truth. The reports they hear about you or see on sites may be duly noted before allowing you to book, but they don’t use it as leverage against you booking either. Unless they sensitive and paranoid. They make there own decision and prepare themselves at their discretion.

So I say your best course of action...... do nothing just continue to see who you want. If ladies don’t see you don’t let it concern you. There are multiple forms and options for paid companionship. Who will see you is something you can’t control and only facilitate with money. But it requires effort and networking more than just going to a website and choosing a listed option of a lady to see. You need to network and not even let it concern you.

Turn the cheek, then the other one. You didn’t post a name of the provider who did this in your post so your doing that anyway.

Pass the word back channel or on board so guys know. Or don’t. But if you dont.....don’t complain. .
jaman123's Avatar
well said
I am so sorry this happened to you...

Thanks, MM. This is not the first time. Years ago I had a provider post some BS out there about me, and I just happened to find it when I googled my phone number. I was really freaked out, and I got super paranoid, esp when another provider I was seeing knew intimate details about my sessions with one of my regulars. My paranoia kicked into high gear, and I imagined that there was this behind-the-scenes site where providers were sharing details about their clients. I figured women are a lot more social than men, so it made sense they would talk even more among themselves than guys do here. I changed my phone number, and I my identity on a reviewing site. I learned I cannot fully and honestly share my session experiences with other hobbyists. I only share if there is some really foul stuff going down- like bait and switch or seriously unprofessional behavior. You're right, gimme_that, the thing to do is nothing, and to hope that someone I really want to see will be able to wade through the BS to come to the right conclusion. Honestly, I'm grateful I didn't give this provider my money since she revealed her true character to me when she attempted to use my info as leverage and then proceed to deeply insult me when I didn't bite.
gimme_that's Avatar
Yep I had to learn from experience. But yeah best not to do anything.

Initially it sucks because again because sites like that are a resource for alleged info ladies might be hesitant to see you based on a lady’s false report. But the types of ladies in this business very secure know how ladies tend to operate and highly detest good guys being treated badly or falsely accused. Again if a lady main source of judgement of you as a potential client is another ladies account, and she opts to let that dictate her pocket and moves let it. Those aren’t the types you want to see anyways. they scary, paranoid, and sensitive.

Where you messed up was changing your phone number and aliases. Not safety wise of course cause it makes sense on the whole. But keeping the same phone number or client info also can be a clear indication you have and had nothing to hide. Like really if your still seeing ladies after that point that makes her look silly. Lady for lady.

The other thing not touched upon when your more public and expose ladies who say untruths about guys on board or public is the other providers who exposed that info to you. They get ostracized and tarred and feathered for that. So you made the right decision just letting it roll off your shoulder.

Guaranteed though the ladies who post false reports will no doubt snitch on you if they got busted and had there livelihood in jeopardy. When street code and tact in the hobby should dictate different.

I remember one lady in the old aspd days who had guys filling out screening forms online, she eventually got busted and turned over all the names and info the site collected and saved to save her ass. Lots of dudes got popped because of that. Hot mess.
I still wonder what i should or shouldn't leave in reviews. There was a provider i seen awhile ago that i reviewed and gave a good review on, however i left out a pretty important detail just out of respect to her to save her from embarrassment.

I will not say who this person was, however i will say that this person was big on hygiene. Posted about it in her bio and how she would refuse anyone with bad hygiene etc etc. Ok cool np, i completely understand. Who likes bad hygiene after all? So i made sure to make myself smell as best i can before i go to any provider i see. Taking double showers to ensure that is a no brainer for me.

So why is it that when this girl bent over for me i got a good whiff of unwashed stale ass? My face was no where near her ass yet i still smelt it when she bent over. I didn't say anything to her, i didn't want to ruin the mood and she was extremely hot regardless. So i pounded away, but the smell was too distracting. Despite how nice her ass looked i could not continue from the back, so i just started to mating press her to make sure i no longer smelt it. Much better.

Again i left that out of the review not because i was worried about backlash and lying from her which she surely would have done, but instead i did it out of respect for her. Despite that minor annoyance it was a overall very good experience and she was nice enough. Should i have left it out? Did i make the right choice in leaving it out? Im not sure, but i can say for certain that if i did include it in my review i would have gotten ALOT of shit even though i was telling the truth and that might have effected how other providers viewed me. Women are extremely defensive when it comes to hygiene.
A guy can be a perfect gentleman with 20 providers, then turn into an ass with one or two. Same goes for providers, so number of vouchers for him or reviews for her, don't mean diddly.

I can't speak for anyone else or what they deal with, but I'm not going back and forth with anyone asking me stupid questions that are probably already answered on my ads or on my website...that's why those things exist, to be read!

I've refused to see an ad nauseam number of people, and they resort to the same tactics you described a provider doing to you.

People seriously need to grow the F up! This is still an adult business, not kindergarten.

I'm repeatedly attacked for not being available, but oh well. I have a life outside of this that will always come first, as I'm sure most gentlemen do as well.

There are some seriously overly sensitive mfers in this hobby who need to get a life. I mean that on both sides.
She sent me a text with a screenshot showing that a few providers had commented on some forum where I had either wasted their time or tried to rip my condom off mid session to go BB. Originally Posted by OlderMatureMan

Why would you give your personal information to a lady who shows you private information from a ladies only space? I wouldn't trust her at all after she pulled out that red flag. She doesn't value discretion. Now, the second red flag was the additional information. She should have gotten that from you from the get-go, so she clearly has her knickers all up in a bunch. I wouldn't bother wasting my time, money & energy on a melodramatic twat like her. She didn't turn nice because you refused to pay upfront, so that caused her "nasty" reaction. For every action, there's a reaction. Her reaction isn't worth crying to your fellow brethren over. It was a blessing in disguise.

Turn the cheek, then the other one. You didn’t post a name of the provider who did this in your post so your doing that anyway.

Pass the word back channel or on board so guys know. Or don’t. But if you dont.....don’t complain. . Originally Posted by gimme_that
It would still be a complaint even if he mentioned her name, so this statement is invalid. You're just upset that he won't tell you who it is, yet it doesn't make a difference. The lads will still meet her no matter how "nasty" or mean she is to a punter.

I remember one lady in the old aspd days who had guys filling out screening forms online, she eventually got busted and turned over all the names and info the site collected and saved to save her ass. Lots of dudes got popped because of that. Hot mess. Originally Posted by gimme_that
Lots of dudes got popped because they don't know their rights. Bloody hell!

If you're going to participate in the cryptic black market, you better know your fucking rights. Filling out a screening form is an extremely weak piece of proof. Same with the client list. How do they know it was indeed me that filled out the form in the first place? This is why you get an attorney before running your mouth to the bloody cops. Those dudes deserved to get popped. They did not need to talk to the cops nor answer any of the cop's questions without speaking to their attorney first.

When someone doesn't know their rights, then they have no rights.

I still wonder what i should or shouldn't leave in reviews. There was a provider i seen awhile ago that i reviewed and gave a good review on, however i left out a pretty important detail just out of respect to her to save her from embarrassment. Originally Posted by Ballistixz
You disrespected her by letting her unleash that funk to the next bloke in line, and you're embarrassing yourself with this self alert. Every punter, myself included, will now take your reviews with a grain of salt.

Medulla, please don't hold back and just speak your mind for God's sake. Seriously, I know I Fd up, and no matter how many mistakes I make, I just end up time and again proving to myself that I am human. Wtf
DallasRain's Avatar
If you can't say something nice then don't say anything at all!

I have been told that I'm one of the nicest providers here..BUTTT if you piss of this Texas redneck gal,you deserve my Texas wrath lol!!
annie@christophers's Avatar
Yup .
Back to the challenges of life. In general of course...
I have had more gentlemen tell me I'm harsh and cold when I am straight and to the point on answering their questions. I have a prepared list of my "hell no's" and I send it stating if it's not on the list, then I'm good with it.
Then it turns into a "sexting" type convo which I refuse to participate in so I cut the conversation. Or it turns out these men are already aware that I don't see men in their 20s or AA men and I have very good reason for not seeing them but they contact me anyway and then wonder why I get a bit perturbed.
Unfortunately, it seems to be more common from men who members of Eccie, OH2 and P411. Which in my opinion, they know better and how distasteful it is.
I'm a very generous provider once we're face to face. I'm extremely sociable and friendly and love to chat in person. But when you're contacting me for the first time, I expect it be business first and foremost. And I have zero problem putting men in their place when they arm to have forgotten. Now if that makes me a nasty bitch then so be it. Its called self respect and how I run my business. Be polite considerate and respectful of my time, and we will get along fantastic.
Be a demanding prick and one of these days y'all may get it bit off, because for the life of me I can't understand why you would want to piss off the mouth you want to stick your dick in too. 🤷♀️
I know a mean chick on here, but she's good when she's mean.
Not the kind of mean you ran into.