Closed Threads!

Man oh Man...
Can not go a week without looking at the threads in my area.
So I have a bad habit of reading only threads in the area I am at, at the time.
Been Out of the State and area so the West Texas board got no eye contact from me.
I come back this A.M. to check things out Just to see I needed pop corn for the Abilene Post. lol
I just wanted to let everyone know other providers or let me say I get valuable info and insight from post like these. It helps me stay on my toes. Evaluate my attitudes and mannerisms making sure I keep the 2 worlds not clashing with each other. If I got a ticket the hr before a meeting don't spill that garbage out on another persons time. I have to remember They are wanting to get away from problems not hear more especially another persons problems especially if they are forking over the money for a meal. Being positive and joyous is truly key. Which If your child just got expelled from school or your ex just sent you an injunction about your child or the police just knocked on your door. Or if a previous gentleman was not a gentleman at all and tried hurt you or rob you is Very difficult to smile and act like nothing has happened. BUT IT IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE. It can be done. You can have a frown one minute caused by one person and have a smile to the next person.
Threads like the ones that seem to close help us ladies in a lot of ways not just know what not to do and do with gents but also with other providers.
If a person acts cray-cray with people lining her pockets with cash then you might not want to invite them to your incall to partner up.
No one knows the trickle down effect of a post, a thread, a kind or harsh word.
So May your kind words be many and if there has to be harsh words may they be accurate and factual. Also let us all remember there is such a thing as GROWTH. People grow, change, get better, expand and move to more positive and enlightened ways. Spirits have the ability to change, have more compassion seek higher ground. Realize a change must be done not to just help their business but help them as a person.
Reading post like these is like someone taking a unaware photo of you after being slack for 3 months of your diet and exercise habits. You get to see what others see and the GREAT NEWS is you can chose to change it. People are sometime only cautious of the outer and not the inner both outer and inner must be worked on daily. And reading this closed post helped this girl in many ways
PREACHING TO MYSELF. Thanks everyone for posting.
DirrrtyOldMan's Avatar
Good insight there mh - hope this means you are coming our way for a visit
CryptKicker's Avatar
Continuing to bash the lady in the Abilene thread served no one, especially with the lady unable to defend herself. The thread had therefore run its course and Delimex was correct in closing it. Zgirl chose to disable her account. Membership should let it go.
Continuing to bash the lady in the Abilene thread served no one, especially with the lady unable to defend herself. The thread had therefore run its course and Delimex was correct in closing it. Zgirl chose to disable her account. Membership should let it go. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
IF I came across as bashing then I SAID IT WRONG....I was actually saying people do change and we grow and do things differently I did not mean to open old wounds at all.
I also did not mean to imply that the thread shouldn't of closed when it did. I just missed the whole damn thing.
I know in my 20 yrs I had a bad attitude a few times not my hundred percent every single day.

SORRY..I was trying to put some salve on the wound NOT salt.