Thread: Have you experienced any changes since COVID lockdown?

SecretRose's Avatar
Hey everyone, I'm fairly new to this site; I love forum-based discussion (such as reddit) and I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced a sort of personal reset from being locked in the house for a month or two.

Personally, I feel I've been able to reconnect with my inner child, and do things simply because I enjoy them, not because I'm "supposed to" or for a job. It's been nice to reset and re-examine my life, and where I want to go from here.

Anyone else experience something similar? I'd love to hear about any hobbies you may have started doing or been reconnected with!

Annalise2020's Avatar
I have been working on hobbies as well and focusing on my family. It has been nice to focus in for a bit.
Ripmany's Avatar
Price of pussy down a bit.
RIP,I respectfully disagree.

All I have seen is increasing prices. My friends in the Hobby have been home more with the SIP, which allows them time to sneak away and spend some time with their favorite escorts.

Money is not an issue with PPP continuing to pay salaries and I know of one lady who raised her rates as she is getting an extra $600 on her Unemployment.

I have not seen decreasing rates.
The balance of my bank account has increased.