Ladies we need your help here also!

otrdriver's Avatar
I have noticed that many of the ladies list a web address for additional information, I would like to suggest please check the link and;

1. make sure it is working
2. the address does not require membership/payment
3. It is current

reason I mention this is some have listed places like CityVibe, Yahoo!, etc not all these links are valid.
Kelly TNT's Avatar
Good Idea! It's always good to have your information updated every 4 to 6 months anyway. Ad something new to your site. Information about yourself, Rate Changes, Specials, New Reviews Posted, Photos, Calendars, and whatever else!

It's always a treat finding out that your favorite girl has added something new to her site! That's what the boys tell me anyway! (I believe them) ;D

A few of my review links that I posted in one of my ads.....NO GOOD.
Of course, I had to find out 4 weeks after the ad had been posted.

So, checking your links and anything else you post about yourself and your business....Double Check It. It never hurts!

~Kelly TNT