Ho Chi Minh's Hero Was Thomas Jefferson

Chung Tran's Avatar

appropriate for the 4th of July.. some of y'all had no idea Bác ho chi minh was a Liberator of Men! he was.. from Japan, France, the United States.. against all Imperialism.
winn dixie's Avatar

appropriate for the 4th of July.. some of y'all had no idea Bác ho chi minh was a Liberator of Men! he was.. from Japan, France, the United States.. against all Imperialism. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
What the fuck is a hoe chi minh?

Is that something someone orders at a massage parlor?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

appropriate for the 4th of July.. some of y'all had no idea Bác ho chi minh was a Liberator of Men! he was.. from Japan, France, the United States.. against all Imperialism. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Imperialism my ass. for the French fagtards it was imperialism for the US it was about the cold war with them commies the Russkies and Chinkos.

i seem to recall JFK wanted the US out of that Vietnam mess and then went to Dallas. how'd that turn out for him?

Bác ho chi minh is a piece of commie shit

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
You always sell people short. That's a fatal flaw. I've heard and know about your hero. I am also aware of some of his philosophical betters but reading Jefferson does not mean you understand him. Michel Foucault was a French political philosopher who predicted the cancel culture, political correctness, and a left wing police state 60 years ago...and he was a socialist! He warned future generations to beware.
LexusLover's Avatar
Chan ... Ho Chi Minh was our ally during WWII against the Japanese.

And he probably admired Jefferson. Many around the World did and do.

That's why they keep trying sneak into the country or over stay their visas.

That's also why the others seek to destroy this country. We show them up!

Happy 4th of July, CHAN!
  • oeb11
  • 07-04-2020, 11:53 AM
The Lib Dem history revisionists will not like the Fact that HoChi
Minh approached the American government at the end of WW2 for help with vietnamese independence.

And was refused in favor of the "French ally". Anyone remotely familiar with deGaulle knows the Arrogance of that pompous ass. and the determination to keep the French empire -and grow itlarger than Great Britian.

America's refusal of Ho Chi Minh drove him to the Chinese - historical enemies - for military support. and caused teh Viet nam War for America. following a conflict in Korea with China.

Libdems do not want that known - as Ho Chi Minh was mostly a nationalist for his country. The american marxists want Ho revereed as a Marxist revolutionary along Che guevara lines.

Fine - Che was a murderer and sadist, and hardly a poster boy for the glories of Marxism.

But he looked good and made a good poster(s). Lots of little college girls dreamed of having Che - but had to settle for American boys. La la.!.

So CT - agree or No????
Like your history revised per marxist Orwellian 1984 standards - or accurate. ???
What is your thought - PC filtered or not???
HedonistForever's Avatar
So you're saying trading Marxist Communism for Imperialism is a step up? How about a Representative Democracy/ Republic? Isn't that better than the other choices?

Oh wait, then you don't keep dictatorial powers. Never mind.
  • oeb11
  • 07-04-2020, 02:28 PM
Not saying that, HF - I think Ho was more of a nationalist for Viet nam than a committed Marxist Communist.
Could America have changed what happened - including that abomination of a war in viet nam - Perhaps.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Not saying that, HF - I think Ho was more of a nationalist for Viet nam than a committed Marxist Communist.
Could America have changed what happened - including that abomination of a war in viet nam - Perhaps. Originally Posted by oeb11

I agree with that.

its unfortunate that Truman and Eisenhower ignored Ho in favor of their long time ally, France.

I guess it boils down to the devil you know vs. the devil you don't know.
Not saying that, HF - I think Ho was more of a nationalist for Viet nam than a committed Marxist Communist.
Could America have changed what happened - including that abomination of a war in viet nam - Perhaps. Originally Posted by oeb11
History proves this. Ho took the Marxist route simply because it was his best option to insure a independent Vietnam.

Look at Vietnam today. It has more to do with western style capitalism than Marxist Socialism.
  • oeb11
  • 07-04-2020, 04:18 PM
Perhaps -re 'today" JS - still a one party communist state - much like China.
Perhaps -re 'today" JS - still a one party communist state - much like China. Originally Posted by oeb11
Yes, it is.

In truth, these examples of “modern communist” ruled Countries are more like a Thugocracy.

A ruling party demands obedience and tribute, but let’s the people pretty much live a free existence.........as long as they offer the obedience and pay the tribute.
  • oeb11
  • 07-04-2020, 04:28 PM
Sounds like China and Russia - and the West coast of the USA!
bambino's Avatar
Tran voted for Trump the last time, he will again. He went to the Rushmore rally.

appropriate for the 4th of July.. some of y'all had no idea Bác ho chi minh was a Liberator of Men! he was.. from Japan, France, the United States.. against all Imperialism. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Is there a road or highway named after Jefferson in Ho chi Minh City?