Encounter: Sarah Summers... long, longgg overdue!

Date: 7/17/20
Name: Sarah Summers
Phone: 518-539-3964
Email Address: -
URL / Website: http://ilovesarahsummers.hotprovider.com/
City: Albany
State: New York
Address: Albany/Colonie motel, close to the malls
Hair Length and Color: Long, straight, light brown hair
Age: 20s
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Beautiful, friendly, petite (5'5"), spinner-plus physique. Her weight fluctuates by ten to fifteen pounds and she was somewhere in the middle this time. The added weight does her justice, providing supplemental joy to the boobs and ass. She has this adorable cheeeeeeese smile and bright, intelligent blue eyes. I adore her looks and body, folks.
Recommendation: Yes
what's the engagement off again lol..
were we go again ! like mister loki would say come fuck pay and leave end the story
Hope to see her before things revert.wish I could get her to do outcall
Is that her current active phone #? I know that's the # she used a year ago.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
what's the engagement off again lol.. Originally Posted by Funtimes44
I recommend this whore regardless of any of the bullshit behind the scenes dramatics and the lying.

Difficult to get ahold of but several levels above the other dreck available in the area.
Sunrise, is that her current phone #?
I text her on a different number, but I don't think it's a burner. It's the one that she uses for family and friends and all, so I'm not sure if I'm at liberty to give it out. Mea culpa.
I have a different # for her as well. I'm with Sunrise I dont feel it's my choice to pass it on.sorry
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  • cap49
  • 07-19-2020, 08:05 PM
She does use a few different numbers. I reach her on her personal number but anyone who’s interested she does have a better work number on her website. Go there and check it out. But FYI....this is still the same Sarah we all know and love. You know the one who doesn’t respond to texts all that often!! Happy hunting!!
Is she back on the party bus?
still the same with some extra pounds lol
Nice. What is the new website and better phone number? Care to clarify, please.