Burner Hide and Seek

CH Luke's Avatar
Okay, who will admit to ever having hid their burner phone or other hobby accessories so well that they never found it???? LOL!
Exchequer's Avatar
Okay, who will admit to ever having hid their burner phone or other hobby accessories so well that they never found it???? LOL! Originally Posted by CH Luke

Sounds to me everyone is leaving you out to dry!
CH Luke's Avatar
Sounds to me everyone is leaving you out to dry! Originally Posted by Exchequer
It's all good, Ex!

It's perfectly normal for me to be the one laughing loudest at my own joke! ) haha!
Exchequer's Avatar
It's all good, Ex!

It's perfectly normal for me to be the one laughing loudest at my own joke! ) haha! Originally Posted by CH Luke

I will say most of the time I throw my stuff around but when I take special care to save something, that's the hardest for me to find!
not sure this qualifies, while cleaning out my closet this morning, found $1500 that I had obviously hidden Now who to spend it on?
not sure this qualifies, while cleaning out my closet this morning, found $1500 that I had obviously hidden Now who to spend it on? Originally Posted by maximus
That's a great problem to have! Lol
Exchequer's Avatar
not sure this qualifies, while cleaning out my closet this morning, found $1500 that I had obviously hidden Now who to spend it on? Originally Posted by maximus

Since I found my hidden burner phone, I am going to make a call on your amazing discovery!

Better get to spending it quick cause I am sure someone's hands is now itching!

Parttimehobbyist's Avatar
Okay, who will admit to ever having hid their burner phone or other hobby accessories so well that they never found it???? LOL! Originally Posted by CH Luke
One time my dumb ass forgot I had hidden the SIM card in a book mark with a sneaky pocket, the phone in a safe deposit box, and battery somewhere in my office desk. It was like hunting down Horcruxes (Harry Potter reference. Bonus points if anyone knows what I’m referring to).
CH Luke's Avatar
not sure this qualifies, while cleaning out my closet this morning, found $1500 that I had obviously hidden Now who to spend it on? Originally Posted by maximus
Booyah!!! "Found" money is the best money!!! $1500 found is gonna be a party!!

Hope you have an easier time spending yours than I did spending mine today!! I texted or called about 8-10 girls, many of whom I've seen before, and nobody called me back! (actually Jenn called me an hour after I'd already decompressed at the ol last resort AMP...) ...Damn! Some days...

Anyway, I digress...Happy Spending, Max!!

(Girls, that's your cue to ping Max's inbox!)
CH Luke's Avatar
One time my dumb ass forgot I had hidden the SIM card in a book mark with a sneaky pocket, the phone in a safe deposit box, and battery somewhere in my office desk. It was like hunting down Horcruxes (Harry Potter reference. Bonus points if anyone knows what I’m referring to). Originally Posted by Parttimehobbyist
Now, THAT's what I'm talkin' about, PTH!! Thank you!! When almost being caught checking texts after a trip while dumping suitcases in the attic, I've quickly pitched my phone in the blown insulation before, knowing right where it was at the time, only to give it a break for a few months... Then, picture dumb ass digging around in the "snow" and never finding the damn thing! "Would have sworn it was THERE! ...But if not THERE, it's gotta be THERE! Dammit! Not there, either..." ...sweating in the summer humid attic... ALL THOSE CONTACTS and conversation histories...gone! Geez... I sure hope this doesn't blow my image as a "smooth operator" bahaha!
Since I found my hidden burner phone, I am going to make a call on your amazing discovery!

Better get to spending it quick cause I am sure someone's hands is now itching!

Originally Posted by Exchequer
Exchequer's Avatar
Idiot Originally Posted by maximus

Very classy.
Not playing your reindeer games. You don't know me, maybe I inherited a large sum of money, maybe I used that money to buy a business, built the business up and sold it for an even larger sum. So what, I found a wad of cash i had stashed away. Keep your childish comments to yourself.
Exchequer's Avatar
Not playing your reindeer games. You don't know me, maybe I inherited a large sum of money, maybe I used that money to buy and business, built the business up and sold it for an even larger sum. So what, I found a wad of cash i had stashed away. Keep your childish comments to yourself. Originally Posted by maximus

You're right I don't know you. As far as I remember our only interaction was last year where you messaged me for information and I helped you out and you thanked me. That was it end of story. So I will keep my childish comments to myself as far as you are concerned. As far as your comment, despite me using a childish gif. That does not justify you calling me an idiot and was uncalled for.
tuckahoe's Avatar
not sure this qualifies, while cleaning out my closet this morning, found $1500 that I had obviously hidden Now who to spend it on? Originally Posted by maximus

I wouldn't have to think twice. I would be calling the blonde with the mesmerizing ass.
Jen without question!