Sexy Karma:
Thanks for that. You are spot on in identifying the two aspects of big sports' problems today. The political stuff going on just now is underlain by the more profound health issues we all face.
And yet, I feel that even if a "cure" for Corona Virus was found today, the collective political activism of team rosters will have reduced the interest of many fans in many different sports. Blue collar fans coming off shift at the plant already feel that many sports figures are over-paid spoiled prima donnas. They know what it means to themselves if they don't show up for work.
I have no problem with athletes supporting political or social justice causes on their own time, but protesting during a sporting event is a spectator turn-off foe me. Refusing to participate in the event just kills The-Goose-That-Laid-The-Golden-Egg.
Originally Posted by ICU 812
For me personally, I'm rather indifferent to the protests but people have the right to feel whatever they choose, some are pissed off because the athletes are attaching their protest to the flag. I know others exactly with your position also.
I doubt the protests will change much because it won't change the atmosphere the cops work in on a daily basis, that they deal with the same people day after day and if they get angry and get a chance to shoot then it's more apt to happen. Then there are the cases like the one where the grandma called in to report a prowler, the cops show up and shoot the grandson who was reaching for or pointing with a cell phone in the dimly lit or dark backyard. The blacks revolt and want justice but they're not realizing the circumstances behind the shooting and the cops only have a second or two to react and make a decision. The guy that got shot had an obligation to realize the conditions and the situation and not make any sudden moves or motions that a cop might judge as aggressive and have to make a quick reaction to.
I remember when Emmitt Smith held out for more money, the offensive line was one of if not the best in the league and was opening up 4 and 5 foot holes anyone on this forum could have ran through. I wonder if any of those linemen "missed" some blocks when he came back and he took some three yard losses.
The blue collar comment as you mentioned....yeah, hurts the average Joe more to miss work than some guy making 10-30 million a year and has a huge shoe endorsement. If I remember right Kaepernick got a $50 million dollar deal from Nike not too long ago....he earned more taking a knee than he ever earned by his ability on the field. Flash in the pan taking the 49rs to the superbowl, got beat by Baltimore and did squat after that.