Wolf Blitzed and CommieNewsNetwork keep pushing the ridiculous conspiracy...what a bunch of idiots!!

This ass hat asks questions that are as stupid as ANYTHING anyone could imagine...but it is CNN...talk about irresponsible reporting!! Would the military be called in if Trump doesn't concede power...this from a major political arm of the leftwing nuts, this just show how stupid they are. : "To suggest such is not only anti-American, it’s conspiratorial garbage that no journalistic outlet with any integrity should be spreading." Mind you this from the same bunch that hasn't excepted hellory 2016 lose!!

Watch: H.R. McMaster Laughs In Wolf Blitzer’s Face After Ridiculous, Conspiratorial Question
Posted at 12:00 pm on September 25, 2020 by Bonchie

If you are smart, you haven’t been paying attention to whatever rantings have been emanating from the mainstream media lately. Of course, if you report on politics for a living, you have to suffer through the mental torture every now and then.

Yesterday, former top Trump official H.R. McMaster went on CNN to be interviewed by Wolf Blitzer. What followed was McMaster being asked a question so stupid that he couldn’t help but laugh in the “journalist’s” face over it.


You can tell that Blitzer was expecting a different answer given the demeanor in which he asked the question. I’m sure he figured McMaster would launch into a series of rantings against Trump and how important it is for him to honor the election. Instead, what Blitzer got was McMaster immediately recognizing it’s absurdity and shut CNN’s latest conspiratorial dream down though. The military, he says, has been separated from domestic politics since George Washington’s time as president for a reason. There is no role whatsoever for them to play in the event a defeated former incumbent refuses to leave. To suggest such is not only anti-American, it’s conspiratorial garbage that no journalistic outlet with any integrity should be spreading.

But the media, for whatever reason, think they have a winner in pushing the idea that Trump is going to hunker down in the White House and refuse to leave if he loses. This stems from recent comments the President made where some silly reporter asked him if he’d peacefully transition power “win, lose, or draw.” Why would Trump transition power if he wins? Or if the election is contested? More so though, Trump was simply doing what he always does, which is not showing weakness. He’s not going to publicly acknowledge the idea that he could lose. That’s not something any candidate for president is ever expected to talk about. The media latched onto what he said though and are now pretending it’s proof he’s going to stage a violent takeover or something.

Of course, the media had no such qualms against not committing to accept defeat when it was Hillary Clinton telling Joe Biden to not concede “under any circumstances.” As per our usual agreement, those yelling the loudest are the most guilty. But it was good to see McMaster shut down Blitzer in this instance, and to his credit, the former NSA has not made up a bunch of nonsense about Trump during his book rollout. That’s a rare showing in Washington given how Bolton and others acted after their departures.
  • oeb11
  • 09-25-2020, 04:24 PM
bb- Thank You - well written about the hysterics of XiNN and Blitz Wolfer.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Ignoring bb1961 and his little dog too.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
nice to see wolf get humiliated
rexdutchman's Avatar
Most of the news media has become the propaganda wind of the leftist ( cnn being the leader for china )
HoeHummer's Avatar
Here’s a legitimate question for all the WSND Trumpholians in the audience —

What if Biden wins and Trump doesn’t leave?

Are yous great, loyal and patriotic Americans going to stand with your new DICTATOR?

Are yous goin to take your little pop guns and start hosting down protesters?

What’s your plan? When do yous break with the evil empire and save your wretched souls?

Great thread beebsy. Thank yous for allowing everybody to voice their opinion.

What are YOU going to do beebsy, if Trump loses but won’t leave?
rexdutchman's Avatar
Funny when Big T wow everybody in Bollywood was leaving news people
it is the height of blindness by the media and the dims to worry about trump in this regard, or perhaps its just another scheme in their highway paved with their many joint schemes

they, both the media and the dims, have gone four years not accepting the 2016 election

they have lied to the American people repeatedly

they have conspired with each other

they have had insane theories of malfeasance by trump

they themselves have done exactly what they accuse trump of having done

hellary proclaims biden should not concede the election UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, that would include a 50 state landslide

they go on talk shows and wring their hands in idiotic protestations of worry about trump, projecting on him things they actually do

its as if they really do want a civil war
HedonistForever's Avatar
It's what many of them, especially the Blacks on MSNBC are demanding. Either give us what we want or there will be violence in the streets. Open, armed conflict could actually happen in this country no matter who wins. Buckle up, it's going to be a bumpy ride either way.
  • oeb11
  • 09-26-2020, 11:12 AM
Amen - Gentlemen!
pleasurem's Avatar
Well, Trump isn’t losing to uh, uh, uh ( Biden )
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yes he is
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Funny when Big T wow everybody in Bollywood was leaving news people Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Could anybody shed some light on what the heck this means?

Come on Rexdutchman, give us a clue, please.
  • oeb11
  • 09-26-2020, 02:55 PM
Thank you - yr/hh/multiple handles
Do get some professional help for the hatred - Soon!'
Or, NOT - just let the hatred take its' self destructive course.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Funny when Big T wow everybody in Bollywood was leaving news people Originally Posted by rexdutchman

speaking of hollyweird ..

John Legend says that Americans 'will have to start thinking about going somewhere else' if Trump is reelected


  • In an interview with Cosmopolitan UK, John Legend says that Americans may have to consider leaving the country if President Trump is reelected.
  • "Every once in a while you think about it," Legend said. "I don't know what one's supposed to do when you have a leader who is trying to destroy democracy."
  • Trump has feuded with Legend and his wife, Chrissy Teigen, throughout his presidency.
  • Legend, a strong supporter of 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, has been a prominent political activist for years, with a particular passion for criminal justice reform.

Legend continued, saying that "If that project [to destroy democracy] was to be in any way successful, you'd have to think about going somewhere that is a true democracy, that has respect for the rule of law and human rights."

"If America chooses to be that place then people will have to start thinking about going somewhere else," he said. "It is truly disturbing and concerning."

hey John .. how's that rule of Law workin' for ya in Portland, Chicago and Detroit?