Just a Squirrel trying to do what squirrels do!

TimToolMan's Avatar
Title says it all. Tried setting up something up with a gal that I believe used to go by Audrianna Fox. She agreed to the time and was responsive until I mentioned if she had been reviewed on here. Then crickets. So I bailed.... Then I stuck to the game plan of finding reviewed providers. Set something up with Bubbles. Had agreed upon time and instructions. Followed those instructions and then crickets from her also. Which I guess in retrospect is probably ok. Because I was pretty sketched out by the incall location. And the squirrel keeps searching...
HoustonRiley's Avatar
0 for 2. I think maybe the picking is the problem. There are Plenty of women that are consistent.
DallasRain's Avatar
wish I was there... be back next week!

You know I will give you a good vouch...good luck!