Elite Club Members over 40

There should be a Forum for Elite Members over 40.

Nothing against the younger enthusiasts ... it's just that we mature and experienced hobbyist sometimes get tired of filtering out all the BS, Drama, Immature and meaningless banter on this board.

It would be nice to go directly to what we are seeking. Intelligent and insightful posts.

hrlee's Avatar
  • hrlee
  • 10-02-2020, 08:54 AM
100% agree...we should discuss in person Torre
thrakattack82's Avatar
From my observations for the past 8 years, I don't know that most of the drama on the hobbyist side of things comes from the under 40 males.
berkleigh's Avatar
Goddess Jezebel's Avatar
Yes Indeed!!
TexTushHog's Avatar
Immaturity in this board? Quelle surprise, quelle damage!!
hardliner's Avatar
But how do you confirm someone is over 40? Have a session and look at their ID if they bring it? Are there sites that have the ability to confirm ages? If so, how do they do it?
But how do you confirm someone is over 40? Originally Posted by hardliner
Yep. A lot of questions surrounding this very point.

I'd like to see it happen, but the verification part would be, uh, difficult.
Joni HappyMassage's Avatar
Over 40... maybe we should say 50.. there is a mindset and attitude that goes with age. Trust me I get all you 20 somethings have a thing. But the 70s wasn’t just a tv show.
Navcomm's Avatar
hell 50 i was getting bucked off the saddle�� i do better without one now! lol
i say FWFG (fat wallet fat guy) forum! only HDH allowed!