Posting Ad limits? At what point do ads become spam? (not sure where to post this?)

Can we get some type of guidelines for the Business Services for Providers Forum?

I know the ladies have rules where they can only post once a week and cannot respond to their own ads. I really think this has gotten out of hand in this forum. I think if we are advertising services geared towards providers then we should show the same respect and follow the same rules they have to follow.

I see constant bickering and complaining in this forum posted to other peoples ads by people advertising their own services that directly compete for business. It is imo a very low way of doing business. Slamming your competition or making accusations is a very poor business plan and if you cannot get the work based on your own merits then maybe improving yourself is the way to go. Not attacking others that do the same thing as you.

Can you imagine if this was allowed in the provider Ads forums? LOL Jane Doe telling Susan Doe that she is doing her business wrong and warning guys that she does this or that or saying come see me and not her because I do xyz and she only pretends to do xyz or insinuating that others are doing something that would be looked down on in the community etc...... I have even seen competitors in this forum advertising their own services in other peoples Ads. LOL WTH? Does it get anymore grimey than that?

I myself have not experienced this in the forum but I have seen it as a constant problem for others. My main problem with it is that when these debates go on and ads get placed upon ads and ad bumping multiple times in a row by the same people it is unfair to others trying to show some professional courtesy and respect. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be for some ladies looking for a specific service only to read multiple ads by the same person/s disguised as a new Ad only to see the same thing over and over.

I propose to the owners approval....

An Ad once a week just like the ladies (same as any other Ad forum here)

Bumping / responding to your own only if it is somethign different you are offering during the week. ie something with your weekly Ad has changed and then limit that to 1 time a week.

Not responding to competitors Ads (no different than any other Ad forum here)

I assure you I am not trying to make any big waves. I am one of the most laid back and easy going people you will speak with and I stay out of the drama. I just think what is right is right and I am tired of watching this go on. I may not post an Ad or even a post very often but I do read the board and have many many friends and clients here. What is really sad about having to make this post is I am the one who lobbied for this forum to be here for months to St Chris.

Maybe a small fee for advertising in this forum would slow it down some? Only for services offered and not for things for sale or barter.

Please do not respond to this thread if you are not a mod or admin. It is only posted here because I did not know where else to post it and I am not interested in debating this. Just wanted to bring this up to the owners/mods/admins. You can even remove this and put it in the mod forum if you want for discussion or lock it.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
You raise some very valid points and as one of the moderators of this forum I will address them, as I interpret the rules I am given to work with.

There has been discussion concerning this forum in the past and pretty much was decided to not mess with the format. We choose to be rather lenient rather than have a whole laundry list of exact rules here as long as the main site rules are adhered to and things don't get carried away.

The official rules are that an ad may be placed here once per 30 day period. But I really don't see an issue or hurting anything by the OP bumping their own threads occasionally over time. While bumping a thread does move it back to the top of the list, there just aren't that many threads going here that something can't be found within the first couple pages. Plus there is always the search function to locate particular information.

As far as the responses by others, I feel strongly that is a part of doing business; whether it is here, on a general website, or in retail setting. There are literally hundreds of websites out there where customers of a business can and do publicly complain about and/or dispute an individuals or companies business practices, policies and performance. As someone who has spent my entire life in sales and customer service roles, I believe it is healthy and even imperative for customers/clients to be able to publicly voice complaints/opposition and for and their potential customers to see how the advertiser/business responds to them.

I do have some problem with competitors slamming an advertiser in their own thread and posting their own ad within a thread. I have issued points/warnings for excessiveness in this area. However, some of this is to be expected with the multitude of different personalities involved here. As you said, it IS a very low way to conduct business. But the self-alert factor is very apparent to most readers and, like in any advertising medium, they will make up their own mind as to the validity of what is written.

Now should the ownership of the site decide to change or clarify some of the rules of this particular forum then we will certainly moderate the threads to those standards. Also, please hit the RTM button to report posts that you or anyone else feels are out of line and we will absolutely evaluate them and take action if necessary.

I hope this has been somewhat helpful to clarify your questions.