If you work it right and be respectful the rewards are boudless. Currently seeing 3, yes 3, 19 year olds. All 3 I started off with 150 to tempt the waters. After the intial meet I tell them that is usually more than I offer. I'm now only paying 60 to 80 and the one wants to meet every day and has offered weekends for free if I can keep up with her.
Erie girls?
Can you give details??
All Erie girls. 2 locals that go to local colleges and one transplant.
Can you give details?? Originally Posted by cosmic76
None of the 3 want their information shared. 2 have not been on in a while and the other goes on every few days. The latter one states if the right guy reaches out, she would see. Says she been messaged with very sick, disgusting and disturbing messages. She said she was lucky to find me as I have been very nice and polite to her the entire time. That's my MO. The dividends with this one have more than paid for itself in how she really gets into it
Lucky are you able to dm the profiles?
Could you help a guy out and PM me their SA names? I’ve been a member for a few months but have only found 1 real girl to meet lol
PM me some Intel and I will tell u the two that I found on sa and the one is prob the finest lil thing I've ever seen
Pm me