2 more days to buy a pardon

Trumpy needs another tax free slush fund. Please contact ivanka or jared for details
Ripmany's Avatar
Honestly him pardon him self or mp doing would not work.he 74 years old and will love the drama
Wonder how much the ultra corrupt paxton is offering these last few hours of desperation. He has all those wealthy buddies that need more of his corrupt services
txdot-guy's Avatar
Does anyone wonder how much tax payer money Ken Paxton's frivolous lawsuit cost. It really bugs me that my tax money supports Ken Paxton's lunacy.
  • oeb11
  • 01-18-2021, 02:47 PM
Does anybody wonder how much all teh DPST/CCP wet dream socialist giveaways cost - such as to pakistan for 'transgender education" - which will all go directly to the corrupt pockets of the pakistani radical islamists - beloved as haters of israel by the DPST/CCP party - and where do blumenthal,feinstein, and the other Jewish members of teh party stand on that????
  • oeb11
  • 01-18-2021, 02:48 PM
Wonder how much the ultra corrupt paxton is offering these last few hours of desperation. He has all those wealthy buddies that need more of his corrupt services Originally Posted by Tsmokies

ts - respectfully - you are invited to run for Texas AG

- and impose your DPST/CCP agenda on the RED STATE!
Texas will just reduce the education budget even more to pay for the paxton corruption. He obivously has the full support of the mucho corrupt abbot and patrick

Btw ob1zero...you are not respectfully invited to kiss my ass

I'm still cracking myself up on occasion fkn with the still clueless

There's just not many left to play
  • oeb11
  • 01-18-2021, 03:23 PM
Thank you - ts.

glad you find your personal insults amusing.
No Thank you for still being clueless. You do know that ur master in chief of corruption has been in hiding for six more days. I guess he is planning his no star red carpet military escape from the most corruption ever in history with a little mucho help from his corrupt kids banking on the pardon money

The big orange biggest loser was way gone in Nov. He just wanted more stupid money