up next:Trump mostly secluded in final week at White House MSNBC Rev. Al Sharpton says members of law enforcement involved in Capitol riot is ‘ the least surprising thing to me’

  • oeb11
  • 01-18-2021, 04:14 PM

President of the National Action Network Reverend Al Sharpton and former assistant director for counterintelligence at the FBI Frank Figliuzzi on the Department of Homeland Security being unprepared to handle right-wing extremism and the involvement of law enforcement members in the attack on the Capitol

Unsurpriaing - Sharpton is all about OBLM and Defund, disarm, and disband the Police across teh nation.

another example of DPST/CCP unable to see the consequences of Actions.

Please listen to sharpton and his description of police in america as hateful and 'right wing extremists' and 'vicious attackers of society"~!

and any reply is 'dog-whistle " agenda!