Nancy is kicking ass. A woman in charge

She has trumpy hiding in his safe place waiting on his last ride on that big plane and McDonald has also shut the fuc up.

America is getting smarter every minute
  • oeb11
  • 01-18-2021, 06:21 PM
She believes she rules Amerika - but AOC has other ideas!
So does harris.

Wait for it - the internecine war between the DPST/CCP rulers of Congress and the Executive branch.

Maybe Nancy will be really really stupid n insecure and call them dino's. I'm guessing not though. That was a rino trumpy thing.

America is smart and over that petty shit
  • oeb11
  • 01-18-2021, 06:30 PM
nazi pelosi is welcome to be in charge of kalifornia

even her senile old hag self would be an improvement over Gov Gruesome.

'Petty shit' - The Trillions of $ for corruption adn graft,- and pennies for the people of teh Biden bailout bill - is not petty shit - is shit on a humongous grand scale that dwarfs any other corruption proposed in congress before.

Congratulations - the DPST/CCP party has won the race to bankrupt America and turn it over to Comrade Xi!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I liked Paul Ryan when he was Speaker of the House. But he had to deal with Obama who treated almost all with respect. Dealing with someone like Trump requires a "bitch" like Pelosi. If you walk softly with Trump, you get stomped on.
Ripmany's Avatar
Please call her nasty pussy from now on thank you.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
She believes she rules Amerika - but AOC has other ideas!
So does harris.

Wait for it - the internecine war between the DPST/CCP rulers of Congress and the Executive branch.

LOL Originally Posted by oeb11
nazi pelosi is welcome to be in charge of kalifornia

even her senile old hag self would be an improvement over Gov Gruesome.

'Petty shit' - The Trillions of $ for corruption adn graft,- and pennies for the people of teh Biden bailout bill - is not petty shit - is shit on a humongous grand scale that dwarfs any other corruption proposed in congress before.

Congratulations - the DPST/CCP party has won the race to bankrupt America and turn it over to Comrade Xi! Originally Posted by oeb11
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
peelosi kicking ass??? the old bat is drunk. she can't even string sentences coherently...

she hasn't sent over the articles of impeachment to the senate.
Pelosi is a Kalifornia Donkey of the highest order. She doesn't have anybody in mind other herself. She almost lost the House...again.

She changed the rules of the House to make impeachment a political weapon and abused it twice. I'll be glad when she's dead.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-19-2021, 07:10 AM

I'll be glad when she's dead. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Who will get a bigger celebration when they die...Pelosi or Trump?

Trump will say his was bigger no matter what
  • oeb11
  • 01-19-2021, 07:13 AM
I liked Paul Ryan when he was Speaker of the House. But he had to deal with Obama who treated almost all with respect. Dealing with someone like Trump requires a "bitch" like Pelosi. If you walk softly with Trump, you get stomped on. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Tomorrow, tomorrow - bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow :

There will be marxist totalitariansim. The CCP bought and paid for their puppet biden, and harris is absolutely on board with the CCP agenda of Comrade Xi!

Thank you - DPST/CCP everywehre.
  • oeb11
  • 01-19-2021, 07:16 AM
Who will get a bigger celebration when they die...Pelosi or Trump?

Trump will say his was bigger no matter what Originally Posted by WTF

no question whose Death wtf will celebrate.

typical - and after hypocrite biden calls for 'unity" - and in his speech tomorrow- he means Marxist totalitarianism under harris , nazi pelosi, and commie schumer.

and 'AOCre-education' camps for all the millions of conservatives.

1930's Germany has arrived!
Rejoice - DPST/CCPs.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-19-2021, 07:21 AM
no question whose Death wtf will celebrate. Originally Posted by oeb11

Nothing like a dead parrot. DPST,DPST,DPST

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Tomorrow, tomorrow - bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow :

There will be marxist totalitariansim. The CCP bought and paid for their puppet biden, and harris is absolutely on board with the CCP agenda of Comrade Xi!

Thank you - DPST/CCP everywehre. Originally Posted by oeb11
no question whose Death wtf will celebrate.

typical - and after hypocrite biden calls for 'unity" - and in his speech tomorrow- he means Marxist totalitarianism under harris , nazi pelosi, and commie schumer.

and 'AOCre-education' camps for all the millions of conservatives.

1930's Germany has arrived!
Rejoice - DPST/CCPs. Originally Posted by oeb11
  • oeb11
  • 01-19-2021, 08:02 AM

Nothing like a dead parrot. DPST,DPST,DPST

Jesus Originally Posted by WTF

Thank U - wtf

Now - please try to post something cogent and constructive on the issues- for example - all teh Socialist EO's puppet biden will issue for harris and soros tomorrow.