
NaughtyLittleNative's Avatar
Guys.. I have no problem in being a reference for you at alllll, but please, if using me as a reference; give me a heads up. And also make sure I see you regularly, if I seen you one time 5 years ago the chances of me giving u a thumbs up are rare, simply bc people change after such a long time... most importantly tho, give me a heads up thank youuuuu. (I’m also around if anyone wants to play )
njdevil211's Avatar
Is this thumbs up a new service? AFAF
NaughtyLittleNative's Avatar
Hahahahahaha, u never cease to surprise me
NaughtyLittleNative's Avatar
Never “pegged” u for that type hahaha
  • Cshel
  • 06-23-2021, 09:56 AM
I’m guessing this could be me… And yes things have changed dramatically in my case, don’t want to go in detail. But those I have spoken to will definitely know what I’m speaking of.
NaughtyLittleNative's Avatar
No this is not u at all…. This is about someone I DONT remember seeing and they used me as a reference, I remember you quite well. Also, u didn’t use me as a reference you just asked me if I knew of anyone to see you, and I gave you suggestions. This is in no way directed to you <3
Im trying to get your way lol was hoping for a work rain out this week..terrible luck
NaughtyLittleNative's Avatar
Soon I hope
ReviewBree's Avatar
Hey NLN I have the pegger lol
NaughtyLittleNative's Avatar