I Couldn't Tell

Anna Lane's Avatar
Here's a question for everyone... Why do you answer "I couldn't tell" to the question of if a provider smokes???
Did you see cigarettes, but not smell anything??? I'm confused. I get this on reviews all the time and it frustrates me. You'll never smell cigarette smoke on myself or in my home, because I don't smoke. You'll never see a pack of smokes, an ash tray or cig butts lying about... Is it a question of smoke smell/taste effecting your visit? Or that you might go home and smell like smoke???... If a provider has no smell on her or at her incall and you can't see any evidence of smoking, why not say "no" to the question at hand...? Just curious. Lol
I personally hate the smell on my clothes, and the taste on their skin. I hear their VJJ juice tastes a Marlboro red too, but I am only there for companionship between to conceding adults, so I wouldn't know for sure.
I definitely would like to know if a provider smokes or not before visiting. It's not a deal killer but just nice to know ahead of time. Not sure about the VJJ thing either.
Hey Anna, when I say I couldn't tell it's to say there was no smoke smell residue in the area, when you kiss, etc. Some women eliminates the cig smell, incorporating that in the hygiene upkeep, and it is great to us non smokers. If a provider doesn't blatantly tell us they don't smoke, we assume they do, thus the 'i couldn't tell' tag. I hope this help....and shameless plug, hope to hang with you one day.
Sexy Anna Lane. Now I know.
Anna Lane's Avatar
So no one could answer my question?? Lol. I understand wanting to know if a provider smokes or not before visiting. That's why a 'yes' or a 'no' is helpful to the question of "Does a provider smoke?"... An 'I couldn't tell' doesn't help anyone and I'm just not understanding why you don't put 'no' after visiting someone who didn't smoke or smell or anything, but whatever. Lol.
Belfrybat's Avatar
Ok. I’ll give you my look at answering that question.
1. I have been in several places that do not allow smoking in the rooms. So I could not tell if she smoked or not.
2. I don’t want to misslead anyone with that saying of a simple yes or no. If I answer no to the question that means that I have ask her and that is what she answered. I normally don’t get that far into the questions because by the time I would make it that far. I would have my dick in her mouth so she would not be able to answer me anyway. Besides. All my blood left the thinking head and went to Jr.
3. It’s just as easy ( or lazy) to put don’t know or can’t tell and get away with it.
BulldogCountry's Avatar
So no one could answer my question?? Lol. I understand wanting to know if a provider smokes or not before visiting. That's why a 'yes' or a 'no' is helpful to the question of "Does a provider smoke?"... An 'I couldn't tell' doesn't help anyone and I'm just not understanding why you don't put 'no' after visiting someone who didn't smoke or smell or anything, but whatever. Lol. Originally Posted by Anna Lane
Sometimes the topic of smoking doesn't come up in casual conversation when a provider and client meet.

If a client can't smell smoke on a provider's breath or clothes, that doesn't always mean the provider never smokes. She might smoke occasionally. She might smoke a LOT and just cleans herself up very well. She might light up a cigarette after we leave. We don't know.

Unless the topic comes up in conversation, or unless the provider lights a cigarette during the visit right in front of us, we as a client don't know if they smoke or not.

Therefore, "I couldn't tell" is just another way of saying "I don't know".

I'm there to fuck. I'm not there to interview her by asking her if she smokes or not. XD