Any luck with Tryst or SA ?

Just curious if anyone has had any luck with the sites Tryst or SA around here (New Orleans Area) I’ve been a member for a few years on P411 and normally only go through that site just for personal reasons it feels safer. Anyways just recently I started to venture out looking for other good legit sites so any info will be greatly appreciated.
Hey I’m in tryst and skip what’s SA? And I tried to message you back but your dm is to full it says
Tryst seems to be ok. SA on the other hand seems a little pricey for the return. Just my two cents from my experience. I did meet a few decent girls from there though.
albundy's Avatar
Hey I’m in tryst and skip what’s SA? And I tried to message you back but your dm is to full it says Originally Posted by Jadayella
Seeking Arrangements. Now it’s just called Seeking.
Sugar Baby site, but hourly women are in there too. But if you join, don’t let them find out you’re an hourly provider. They’ll boot you off of there.
Pretty stupid. They allow Sugar Babies, but not regular providers. Oh well.

The problem with SA is it is pretty pricey. $99 a month. For a guy, you can join and browse for free. But you need a paid membership to message and contact the ladies.

I am not a paid member, but a hobby bro hooked me up with the numbers for a few of them about a year ago. Had really good success overall with it.
albundy's Avatar
Ha! Just went on Seeking and saw my cousin on there. Guess she is looking for a Sugar Daddy. Wonder if it’s that, or she thinks it’s a regular dating site?
Ha! Just went on Seeking and saw my cousin on there. Guess she is looking for a Sugar Daddy. Wonder if it’s that, or she thinks it’s a regular dating site? Originally Posted by albundy
Al, send me her contact info. I will fuck her silly.

I had been on SA for a few years. I found many women who wanted to make a few bucks and had Daddy issues. So we met, we fucked, I threw them some $$. What is great about that site is many dont even think about an hourly rate. So when you do fuck, it would be for the afternoon. Order a pizza midway. It was great for a while.
albundy's Avatar
I’ll message you the screenshots. I’m not a paying member of SA so I can’t see her contact info. She is in Houma.

If you happen to get her contact info from there, and she happens to be an escort, send me the contact info. I would love to see her face when she opens that door.

Just a heads up though. She’s no spring chicken and is overweight.
Pretty chick though.
annie@christophers's Avatar
I’ll message you the screenshots. I’m not a paying member of SA so I can’t see her contact info. She is in Houma.

If you happen to get her contact info from there, and she happens to be an escort, send me the contact info. I would love to see her face when she opens that door.

Just a heads up though. She’s no spring chicken and is overweight.
Pretty chick though. Originally Posted by albundy
Al's awful behavior! Lol
I am relieved though. For a min I thought it was gonna be MUCH GROSSER!! LMAOF

albundy's Avatar
Al's awful behavior! Lol
I am relieved though. For a min I thought it was gonna be MUCH GROSSER!! LMAOF

XXOO ANNIE Originally Posted by annie@christophers
Ha! Pretty sure we wouldn’t bang. Pretty sure.

Though I am still hoping a hobby bro finds out her contact info and messages it to me. I would just love to see her face as she is standing there in lingerie or naked and I appear at the door. HA!
FatCity's Avatar
Editor's Note = "Seeking Arrangements" recently rebranded to just "Seeking" shy away from the whole sugaring thing. Its more of a wink and a nod.

I've had RIDICULOUS amounts of success with SA. I opened an account last year and took it at face value. "no fucking way am I paying for a $130/mo membership to give strangers hundreds or thousands in allowances!" (it doesn't actually work that way)

Well, I actually got serious with it this year and it is nuts. I've only been active in it in January and in April (paid subscription). Message every chick in the area (couple hundred), get responses from 200 or so, then of those get 80+ them off the site and texting to meet or figure out what their price is. The ones that I've MET have been better than any escort (though some came from that life). Beware though, 1/4 are obvious scams, 1/4 are strippers just seeking more money and have an overinflated sense of worth and 1/4 are chicks dtf for a few bills. Rebranding it as "seeking" makes it more of a traditional dating site now, rather than a virtual online off ramp to beg for money.

Its a buyers market. There is no shortage of broke women in the world.

This is how 'bad it is'. I clearly state what I'm about on Seeking, very straightforward. No money before meeting. You want to meet? You're meeting me at my house. Only had one chick come to the house and NOT fuck. its a slam dunk....fuck going out and "dating" (meet for coffee/dinner)
Raindog115's Avatar
It used to be the case that you couldn't be too blunt in your profile about what you were looking for in a girl. You would get banned if you were too forward. Is that no longer a problem?
FatCity's Avatar
It used to be the case that you couldn't be too blunt in your profile about what you were looking for in a girl. You would get banned if you were too forward. Is that no longer a problem? Originally Posted by Raindog115

still the case. I got banned a few times for using No No words. They make you watch a diversity sex trafficking video to get reinstated. Lol - sex trafficking.....are you aware of what women are VOLUNTEERING for???

this is why i get them texting off the site by the 2nd response. If they're PPM/Strippers, they'll wanna text before then. The ones that AREN'T PPM/escorts/scammers/strippers are some brutal headcases (unless they're under 25). I've got enough screencaps of text exchanges to publish a comedy book

I deleted my profile but it was vague enough to go either way on what I was seeking (pure sex / pure relationship) as a man of 'means'
  • Dedra
  • 06-29-2023, 08:37 AM
I love P411 for safety reasons but it seems like traffic from P411 has dropped way off since my return to the hobby. I am trying tryst but I get a ton of guys with no references "It's my first time" and they do not read my profile. It seems that most of us ladies on tryst are real providers. Sad to say scammers seem to get through on all the sites.
Hey Dedra ! When are you going to come visit us in NOLA?
Ha! Just went on Seeking and saw my cousin on there. Guess she is looking for a Sugar Daddy. Wonder if it’s that, or she thinks it’s a regular dating site? Originally Posted by albundy
Yeah, that's part of the thrill of these sugar sites. I've been on Seeking (back before they dropped the "Arrangements") part, and I actually met up with a girl who had worked at the local bank I went to - we both kind of laughed about it after we got past the "you remind me of someone..."

I'm using Sugardaddymeet (SDM) more these days, but last year I showed a guy I knew a picture of a girl I'd seen off there - well it turned out it was a friend of his daughter - fortunately I didn't tell him what the site was and changed the subject quickly - which was probably for the best lol