Carl Sagan Predicted The Mess 2021 Would Be 25 years Ago

Zollner's Avatar
Sagan was a genius. A man of Science, real intelligence, real FACTS and a true visionary. Back then he warned of the ongoing 'Dumbing Down' of America that is coming to fruition today by the poorly educated many in America attempting to take us backwards.

Alexander Pope stated long ago....'a little learning is a dangerous thing'

Today we see all too may happy to celebrate their ignorance.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Hey Z!
Good to see you posting again.

I used to watch "Cosmos"
about the only substantive thing he said was regarding the media.... talk about the dumbing down of America?? Look no further than CNN and the NYTimes....
Willie Wanker's Avatar
about the only substantive thing he said was regarding the media.... talk about the dumbing down of America?? Look no further than CNN and the NYTimes.... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
More concerning is the elimination of advanced classes in the name of equity. That is really happening.
I would think that Z isn't in favor of that.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
More concerning is the elimination of advanced classes in the name of equity. That is really happening.
I would think that Z isn't in favor of that. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
no advanced classes or trades so have more time to teach CRT crap that is not how to think but what to think.
Zollner's Avatar
Hey Z!
Good to see you posting again.

I used to watch "Cosmos" Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
Cosmos was good.
Zollner's Avatar
no advanced classes or trades so have more time to teach CRT crap that is not how to think but what to think. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Really? Enlighten us as to who does that?
Only ones ya see yapping about CRT are FAUX news and Putin parrots an fake right wing news sources.
Zollner's Avatar
From 2:35 to the end in this 25 year old clip, it's scary how accurate Carl was in saying what we would be going through now and dealing with today in 2021.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Really? Enlighten us as to who does that?
Only ones ya see yapping about CRT are FAUX news and Putin parrots an fake right wing news sources. Originally Posted by Zollner

Instead of just dismissing it as right wing Putin, or whatever, how about explaining why you. think it's good. (Assuming that you do). Sometimes it seems like you'll dismiss a topic just to disagree with anything on the right.
I'll say it again, there's no way in hell that an Independant thinker who's being honest would agree with every single stance of their political party. I try to give you the benefit of the doubt of being genuine even though we disagree on most politics. You won't lose any liberal points for occasionally disagreeing. It adds to credibility imo.

Watch almost any School Districts BOA meetings. over the past. couple of months. Parents are lined up to speak against it. Some of the parents brought in the handouts from the classes. I'm happy to see parents finally paying attention Thank you Fox News an right wing new sources for putting this crap on parent's radar. Based on the overwhelming responses at these meetings, it's likely that many of these BOA members will soon be replaced.

Also, eliminatiing advanced classes in the name of equity is a horrible idea. It holds back our brightest kids. Also, it puts our students at a competitive. disadvantage. Being a former educator. I'd be surprised if you're in favor of this.

I'm still in contact with the teachers from the school district that I retired from. I stopped by the district last week to have lunch with the teachers from the Technology Department, and to use one of the large scale 3D-printers. We talked about how much has changed since I retired a couple of years ago.
I asked them about the CRT push, and how the curriculum has changed. They're all liberals except for one who is apolitical, so
I figured we'd end up in a debate but It never. happened. because none of them are onboard with these ideas. But not o one wants to speak up or make waves because theyjl don't want to deal with backlash from "Equity Officers" who have recently been appointed to work with teachers and administrators.
It used to be one of the best districts. in the county to work for, but now it's become a toxic environment.
I'm glad that I decided to retire early, but I feel bad for these teachers. I hate seeing that the district going down the tubes in the name of equity.

So far equity = Kids divided between oppressor and oppressed, Pissed off parents, students being prevented from excelling, and miserable teachers who are afraid to speak up.

I don't think Equity Officer is a wise career choice at this time.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Really? Enlighten us as to who does that?
Only ones ya see yapping about CRT are FAUX news and Putin parrots an fake right wing news sources. Originally Posted by Zollner
truth is Putin is happier with Biden's puppet asters, much happier

CRT has been in the local news,