
offshoredrilling's Avatar
In Upset NY house buying is a sellers market

So why in NYC seller almost needs to pay the buyer ????
In Upset NY house buying is a sellers market

So why in NYC seller almost needs to pay the buyer ???? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
I'm from NYC and spend half my time there. If you want to make money in NY now, buy a moving company. Most everyone is leaving. Why? It's a disaster zone on too many levels. The next mayor at least is a former cop. But the City Council is a bunch of lunatic Leftists. The tax base is shrinking and small businesses are dying. It's as unsafe on the streets now as it was in 1975.
New York City Real Estate In Q2 2021: One Of The Hottest ... › sites › fredpeters › 2021/07/01
offshoredrilling's Avatar
New York City Real Estate In Q2 2021: One Of The Hottest ... › sites › fredpeters › 2021/07/01 Originally Posted by keeponrisin
nice not working link Sir
Yea..they make it so you have to work for it

Highlight and right click
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Yea..they make it so you have to work for it

Highlight and right click Originally Posted by keeponrisin
so I look again WTF taint there, So still not working
Rainbird4668's Avatar
Copy and paste it into browser window
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Corrected Link:

- The spike is only in Upper Manhattan? (that's weird)
- The article is written by a "contributor" who is a Manhattan based realtor named Fred Peters. (mmm-okay, sure Fred. Thanks for contributing) 😂
Corrected Link:

- The spike is only in Upper Manhattan? (that's weird)
- The article is written by a "contributor" who is a Manhattan based realtor named Fred Peters. (mmm-okay, sure Fred. Thanks for contributing) 😂 Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
Thanks. Guess if we want to buy some Harlem real estate cheap we call Fred.
Presj22's Avatar
NYC controlled by leftists?!? Usually it is lol ask trump
Willie Wanker's Avatar
NYC controlled by leftists?!? Usually it is lol ask trump Originally Posted by Presj22
NYC Council is currently:
Democrat: 46
Republican: 3
Vacant: 3
offshoredrilling's Avatar
NYC Council is currently:
Democrat: 46
Republican: 3
Vacant: 3 Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
died, forced out or moved out ????
lilylivered's Avatar
shot by thugs because of no police?
Willie Wanker's Avatar
died, forced out or moved out ???? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
😂 not specified.