The Democrat Variant

The latest flu hysteria is merely a pretext for maintaining absentee ballot/ballot harvesting for the 2022 midterms.

fuckin nail.....
valkyra's Avatar
withnail is actually the hammer

'cause he hit it on the head
offshoredrilling's Avatar
India variant... ops delta not as deadly, so more flu like

Andy hoping a variant gets named after NY at the NYS fair

mmm cuse flu has a nice ring to it
India variant... ops delta not as deadly, so more flu like

Andy hoping a variant gets named after NY at the NYS fair

mmm cuse flu has a nice ring to it Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Sound idea. I like "The Fredo Flu".
rooster's Avatar
and ta thinck I thought y'all were crazy before....

Hooker variant works swell
Plastic Man's Avatar
the ...plastic man ...variant be the one thats kills ...ya withs kindness!
You suffer for your art

You expect nothing but excellence from yourself

And those around you
valkyra's Avatar
You suffer for your art

You expect nothing but excellence from yourself

And those around you Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Isn't this the downfall of most excelling people?

Nobody else can hold a flame to the high standards they hold themselves and everyone around them too, not even themselves.
Anybody else figure out that the two biggest SUPER SPREADER events happening right now are Biden fucking up the now porous border./.....

And of course.....

Obama's BDay bash
Willie Wanker's Avatar