Disparate impact: De Blasio's vaccine passport rule is racist, according to the Left's definition

  • oeb11
  • 08-03-2021, 03:57 PM

Your dinners in midtown and your shows at Webster Hall are going to be whiter than usual this fall, thanks to a new policy by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, which will disproportionately lock Hispanics and blacks out of indoor venues.
“New York City will soon require proof of COVID-19 vaccinations for anyone who wants to dine indoors at a restaurant, see a performance or go to the gym,” the Associated Press reported.
Here’s where it gets hairy: There are great racial disparities in vaccination rates in New York City, which means there will be a hugely disparate impact from de Blasio’s rules.
More than 47% of white New Yorkers are vaccinated, according to Bloomberg’s tracker, compared to 33% of black New Yorkers and just under 45% of Hispanics in the city.
That means that black New Yorkers will be barred from public accommodations at a far higher rate than will white New Yorkers. This is kind of an awkward policy.
Nobody could honestly suggest that de Blasio is trying to discriminate against black people with his vaccine passport rule. But according to the racial politics that the Left and the media are trying to cram down the nation's collective throat, “Intentions in racism don’t matter. Impact does.
There is no doubt that the impact of de Blasio’s rule is discriminatory.
Compare it to school discipline rules the Obama administration declared illegal. That administration targeted “zero tolerance” rules in student discipline because “students of color … are disproportionately impacted by zero-tolerance policies.” In other words, school discipline policies were deemed illegal even though there was no racist intent because more black and Hispanic students were running afoul of the rules.
Will the same principle be applied to de Blasio’s vaccine passport rule?

In answer to the last sentence - of course not - Hypocrisy reigns in teh DPST party - from their whiter than Ivory snow nominee platform of criminals - to disregarding their own flagrant institutional Racism.
if such were under a Republican - the screeching DPST mob and LSM would be in full effect - but not for One of their Own!!!!
DumBlasio is as racist toward black peoples , as he is toward Jewish peoples.

he, and the nomenklatura of eh DPST party including their sharpton, Kendi, hannah jones, waters, and Clyburn - are both black race-baiters , and racist antio-Semitic as is humanly possible.

Likely more than Goebbels and Hitler.
texassapper's Avatar
This will destroy the "minorities are too stupid to go to the DMV to get an ID" argument that the Democrats use to keep their election fraud machine running.
HedonistForever's Avatar

Your dinners in midtown and your shows at Webster Hall are going to be whiter than usual this fall, thanks to a new policy by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, which will disproportionately lock Hispanics and blacks out of indoor venues.
“New York City will soon require proof of COVID-19 vaccinations for anyone who wants to dine indoors at a restaurant, see a performance or go to the gym,” the Associated Press reported.
Here’s where it gets hairy: There are great racial disparities in vaccination rates in New York City, which means there will be a hugely disparate impact from de Blasio’s rules.
More than 47% of white New Yorkers are vaccinated, according to Bloomberg’s tracker, compared to 33% of black New Yorkers and just under 45% of Hispanics in the city.
That means that black New Yorkers will be barred from public accommodations at a far higher rate than will white New Yorkers. This is kind of an awkward policy.
Nobody could honestly suggest that de Blasio is trying to discriminate against black people with his vaccine passport rule. But according to the racial politics that the Left and the media are trying to cram down the nation's collective throat, “Intentions in racism don’t matter. Impact does.
There is no doubt that the impact of de Blasio’s rule is discriminatory.
Compare it to school discipline rules the Obama administration declared illegal. That administration targeted “zero tolerance” rules in student discipline because “students of color … are disproportionately impacted by zero-tolerance policies.” In other words, school discipline policies were deemed illegal even though there was no racist intent because more black and Hispanic students were running afoul of the rules.
Will the same principle be applied to de Blasio’s vaccine passport rule?

In answer to the last sentence - of course not - Hypocrisy reigns in teh DPST party - from their whiter than Ivory snow nominee platform of criminals - to disregarding their own flagrant institutional Racism.
if such were under a Republican - the screeching DPST mob and LSM would be in full effect - but not for One of their Own!!!!
DumBlasio is as racist toward black peoples , as he is toward Jewish peoples.

he, and the nomenklatura of eh DPST party including their sharpton, Kendi, hannah jones, waters, and Clyburn - are both black race-baiters , and racist antio-Semitic as is humanly possible.

Likely more than Goebbels and Hitler. Originally Posted by oeb11

Which translates to "systemic disparate racism". Love it.
ICU 812's Avatar
But will NY require proof of vaccination before entering a voting place?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
But will NY require proof of vaccination before entering a voting place? Originally Posted by ICU 812
no, to vote at all????

Gov Andy must be thinking also that Women's rights thingy got ta go also
rexdutchman's Avatar
SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS ,,,, Shhh now where in history did marking people and papers NOT work out so well FOR the WORLD
And no ID needed to legally enter county or vote BUT I need ID to go anyplace People need to wake up